Mosquito Bites on Babies: What You Should Know

Mosquito Bites on Babies: What You Should Know

Ugh. Mosquito bites on babies. Could there be anything more annoying? But what’s best to do if your little one gets bitten?
You find your newborn baby simply irresistible. And sadly, you’re not the only one.

Mosquitoes aren’t going to ignore your little one’s succulent skin just because it would be too cruel to bite a baby so small.

They’re not known for being particularly selfless insects, and this means mosquito bites on babies are a common thing.

If your baby is bitten by one of these little vampires, don’t worry.

It doesn’t make you a neglectful mama (as children and adults, we all get bitten from time to time) and most mosquito bites are completely harmless.

But it’s still a good idea to know what mosquito bites look like, how to treat them, and how to prevent them in the future.

Let’s some answer some of your most important questions before going into more detail:

In this article: 📝

  • What can I put on my baby’s mosquito bites?
  • How to identify a bug bite on your baby
  • What do allergic mosquito bites on babies look like?
  • What should you put on your baby’s mosquito bites?
  • How to prevent mosquito bites on babies

What can I put on my baby’s mosquito bites?

Soap and water, calamine lotion, a cool damp cloth, and baking soda mixed with water can all help to calm a mosquito bite on your baby.

Rather don’t use some of the stronger antihistamine creams you would use on your own skin.

When should I worry about a mosquito bite on my baby?

If your baby seems to be having an allergic reaction, speak to your doctor or, if the reaction is severe, take them to the emergency room.

Trouble breathing, a fever, and a spreading red rash are all signs of a possible allergy.

How long does a mosquito bite last on a baby?

It’s normal for a mosquito bite to last as long as a week, so don’t worry if the bump is still there for a while.

As long as it’s not getting any worse, your little one is probably feeling better with each passing day.

How to identify a bug bite on your baby

Mosquito bites look like small, raised red bumps, either on their own or in a small group.

You’re unlikely to notice the bite when it happens – unless you catch the offending creature in the act.

The bite itself doesn’t sting or hurt.

What mosquito bites are famous for is the itch they bring with it.

And it’s this itch that will likely make your baby feel uncomfortable and cranky.

(A mosquito bite is itchy because of the saliva that the mozzie injects into your skin, which your body recognizes as a foreign substance and tries to reject.)

Mosquitoes aren’t the only bugs that bite, of course.

Other critters, including fleas, ticks, bed bugs, and spiders can cause bites that, initially, can look like a mosquito bite.

Look out for other symptoms that might distinguish the bite from that of a mozzie.

Tick bites look like an expanding bullseye, for example, and spider bites are often more painful and swollen than mosquito bites.

Googling what different bites look like can help you, but if you’re worried that the bite doesn’t look like it’s from a garden variety mosquito, it’s best to speak to your doctor.

What do allergic mosquito bites on babies look like?

Allergic reactions to mosquito bites are fairly common in babies and children, since their skin is much more sensitive than adults’.

If your little one is allergic, the bite might swell, bruise or blister.

And your baby might also have difficulty breathing, break out into hives (a rash of red welts), experience swollen lymph nodes, or develop a fever.

Call your doctor if your baby experiences any of these symptoms, and go to the emergency room if they’re severe or if they start getting worse.

There are some very serious mosquito-borne diseases, including malaria and dengue fever.

While neither are very common in the United States, your baby might be at risk if you’ve traveled to an area where they’re still widespread, including parts of Central and South America, sub-Saharan Africa, and South Asia.

If your baby has a high fever, vomiting and diarrhea, or if they’re old enough to complain about a headache and achy joints, go to your doctor straight away.

Be sure to mention the countries that you’ve recently traveled to.

What should you put on your baby’s mosquito bites?

The following treatments will help to make your little one more comfortable:

Soap and water

Try to keep the bite clean by washing it with soap and water.

If it’s really itchy, your baby might break the skin open when they scratch it.

Be careful of this as you don’t want to make the itch worse by causing an infection, too.

Cleaning the bite regularly and wrapping your baby’s hands in mittens can help.

Use a cold damp cloth

This simple technique will help to relieve some of the swelling and itchiness.

Apply calamine lotion

Calamine lotion can be very soothing for itchy bites.

Make a baking soda paste

Mix a little bit of baking soda with a few drops of water until you make a paste.

Apply it to the mozzie bite and let the paste harden (this usually takes about 20 minutes).

How to prevent mosquito bites on babies

It’s not always possible, but prevention is better than cure.

If mozzies are common in your area, try and deter them from having a snack on your baby’s sweet skin.

You can do this by covering your baby from head to toe.

If this is difficult on hot summer nights, when mosquitoes are usually out and about, you can use a mosquito repellent, too.

Repellents that use DEET are safe for babies that are older than two months, but just make sure that there’s no more than 30% DEET in the product you use.

Be careful not to get the repellent in your little one’s eyes, mouth or nose and you should have a happy baby.

You could also place a mosquito net over your baby’s crib to ensure they have a peaceful, itch-free night.

Mozzie bites are inevitable, mama. Keep an eye out in case they get worse, but for the most part, just try and make your little one as comfy as you can.

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