Can You Get a Pimple on Your Labia? What Does It Mean?

Can You Get a Pimple on Your Labia? What Does It Mean?

Been having a feel, and came across something… unwanted… down there?

Did you know, you can actually get acne on your vagina. 🤯

Vagina acne…? Seriously?!

We know. 🤦‍♀️

Like we don’t already have enough to deal with. 🙃

So, how do you tell the difference between a pimple on your vagina and something else?

We’ve got you covered — let’s dive into the world of vaginas, vulvas, and labias. 👇

In this article: 📝

  • What are vaginal pimples?
  • Why do you get pimples on your vulva?
  • How common are labia pimples?
  • How do I get rid of a pimple on my labia?
  • Is it a pimple or a cyst on my labia?
  • Should I be worried about a bump on my labia?

What are vaginal pimples?

Just like the acne you’d find anywhere else on your body, vaginal pimples are the same.

They’re often small, red bumps, and they may have a white tip (showing they may contain some pus).

They can come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors, and they may be swollen and painful to touch, or they could be relatively painless.

They’re often found on your labia (a part of your vulva — in other words, the inner and outer vaginal lips 👄).

This area is the pimple’s ultimate breeding ground, as it’s the most moist, meaning it’s the best environment for bacteria and pimples to form.

Why do you get pimples on your vulva?

So, vaginal acne can happen for a number of reasons.

It could be stress-related (more on this later 👇), it could be due to bacteria buildup from sweat or dirt, or it might not actually be a pimple (again, more on this later…).

But, to avoid getting pimples around your vagina, making sure your personal hygiene is in tip-top condition is the first step. 🚿

If you’ve done a sweaty workout and you’ve put off getting changed out of your moist gym kit right away, or hopping straight in the shower, sweat can get trapped in your pores, and cause a breakout.

This doesn’t just happen around your genitals — it can be anywhere, like your chest if it’s being compressed into a tight, sweaty sports bra, for instance.

Basically, anywhere where the pores can get clogged. 🤷‍♀️

It also might be a good idea to have a little wash-off down there after you have a steamy session with your partner. 😈

Lubricants or other bodily fluids (whether that’s your own, or someone else’s), can also irritate your pores, causing pimples. 💦

Can stress cause pimples on your labia?

Ah, stress.

The pesky little thing that raises our cortisol levels much higher than we’d like.

As well as contributing to causing other medical ailments, you’ve guessed it — stress can be the culprit for your pimples, too.

And that notion extends to pimples on the labia, just as much as it does to acne on the face.

But, that’s not to say if you are stressed, you will get vaginal acne…

Nor that you will get vaginal acne if you are stressed.

It’s just something to consider if you’re trying to work out what’s causing pimples and spots to occur down there.

Can you get pimples on your labia from shaving?

Ever given yourself a tidy-up and a few hours later, you find your freshly neatened labia is now covered in itchy pimples? 🙃

Enter, the shaving rash. 😖

A shaving rash can happen for many reasons — maybe you weren’t using enough shaving foam, or you might’ve been shaving against the grain (which, although it provides a closer shave, can cause irritation, too).

But, it’s very common, and can sometimes even happen when you’ve done everything right. 🙄

These rashes are temporary, and will likely clear up in a couple of days.

If they persist, it may be that they’re not actually pimples from shaving, but something different instead.

Ingrown hairs that appear as lumps around your pubic region can also be caused by shaving.

These are more common in women who have coarse or curly hair, and you might have spotted these in your armpits, too, after a shaving session.

How common are labia pimples?


They’re very common.

So, if you do have any pimples on your vagina, it’s usually nothing to worry about.

They can be completely normal, and a lot of people get them from time to time.

However, if you’re finding you have a lot of vaginal acne, and it’s causing irritation, discomfort, or any pain, it could be worth getting it checked over by the doc or your healthcare provider.

Like with any other part of your body, acne can be frustrating, and it can cause embarrassment, especially in a sensitive area.

There are forms of pimple treatment you can have to help clear up your vaginal acne, which your doctor will be able to talk through with you.

How do I get rid of a pimple on my labia?

Well, that depends completely on the cause of why you have the pimple.

If it’s from a shaving rash, it’ll naturally go away on its own over time.

But, if it’s from stress or general bacteria, you may consider applying an acne cream to it.

Again, this is something you should speak to your doctor or pharmacist about, as they’ll be able to point you in the right direction of the best vaginal acne cream for you.

If you have a hard pimple with pus, you may be tempted to squeeze it.

Resisttttt the temptation! 🙅‍♀️

You can risk spreading bacteria and causing an infection, and you could even get more pimples from doing that.

In most cases, vaginal pimples will clear up on their own, but if you’re worried or need more advice, your doc will be able to help.

Is it a pimple or a cyst on my labia?

So, you’ve felt something bumpy down there, and you’re not sure what’s what.

How can you tell if it’s a pimple or a cyst? 🤔

Well, first off, cysts are filled with fluid, and they grow very slowly and are often painless.

You might not even notice them at first. 🤷‍♀️

Pimples usually come up fairly quickly, and typically cause more irritation from the get-go.

Some types of cysts — like a Bartholin’s cyst, for example — can take several years to form until you notice.

It is usually a soft painless lump but can become tender and painful if it gets infected.

If you find a lump around your labia, be sure to always visit your doctor so they can rule out anything more serious.

What does a labial cyst look like?

So, imagine bumps underneath the skin around your labia, that kinda resemble a large pimple.

But, the difference is, they can be very small, or very large (even up to the size of an orange 🤯) 🍊.

And they may start off small, and grow slowly over time.

They may also appear red and swollen, or look like they’re filled with pus or fluid.

Can I squeeze a labia cyst?

You definitely shouldn’t squeeze a labial cyst. 🚫

You’d risk causing an infection to the cyst, which would elongate the time it takes to heal.

But, if they’re painful or filled with fluid, some cysts will need to be surgically drained.

Speak to your doctor if you have a vaginal cyst that’s causing discomfort, and they can advise you on the next best steps.

Is a cyst on your labia bad?

Not necessarily, no.

It can sometimes cause pain or irritation if it becomes infected, which can be cleared up with antibiotics or surgical intervention.

But, some vaginal cysts cause no problems and don’t need any surgical intervention (removal or to be drained).

If you feel a lump on the inside of your vagina that you think could be a cyst though, get your doctor to check this over as soon as you can.

Also, if you come down with a fever, have any unusual discharge, or pelvic pain, seek medical assistance immediately.

Should I be worried about a bump on my labia?

Sometimes, a bump on your labia can be something else, rather than just a pimple.

As well as types of cysts, it might instead be a vaginal skin tag, a genital wart (and other types of STDs), or something more serious.

So, if you think your ‘pimple’ looks a bit unusual, or is taking a while to clear up on its own, it’s worth going to speak to your healthcare provider.

They can provide you with some clarity on what’s what, and potential treatment options.

🔍 Get Clued Up: What Are Normal Bumps Inside Vaginal Walls? 🤔

What are the other types of bumps you could get on your labia?

Not all bumps are created equal!

Here’s a breakdown of the different types of vulval pimples, so you know what you’re dealing with.

Fordyce spots on your labia

Rather than your hair follicles or pores acting up (like with pimples), Fordyce spots are a common skin condition where oil glands can appear larger, or slightly raised.

These white, yellow, pale red, or skin-colored bumps appear in hairless areas of your skin, but are benign and usually harmless.

These usually disappear over time.

Boil on labia

Vaginal boils often resemble pimples at first, but progress to become swollen, painful, and pus-filled with a white or yellow tip.

Although they’re usually not serious, they can grow pretty large and, once they’ve progressed to this state, they’re often mistaken for genital herpes.

Most will clear up by themselves after a few weeks, but a few may need medical treatment.

Blood blister on labia

Lichen sclerosus (LS) is a skin condition that makes the vulva appear white, slightly shiny, and smooth.

The skin’s surface then becomes thinner, and more delicate, meaning it’s prone to bleeding, tears, and bruising.

A result of this skin condition is tiny blood blisters appearing.

This is a long-term condition that is controlled with medication, and mostly affects women who’ve been through the menopause.

Angiokeratoma on labia

Basically, these are hard bumps under your skin.

They can either be red or black, and they’re most often found on the scrotum or the vulva.

They may be mistaken for genital warts, but angiokeratomas aren’t contagious.

If the bumps are painful, bleeding, or can affect the appearance of the area, some people may choose to get treatment.

Something more serious

Lumps and bumps on your vagina can be alarming.

And, sometimes, they can be a symptom of something more serious.

That’s why it’s super important to get any unusual lumps checked over by a doctor, just to rule out anything more sinister.

So, there you have it!

All the deets on what it means to have a pimple on your labia.

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