Pregnancy Nausea: 13 Tips From Mamas Who Have Been There

Pregnancy Nausea: 13 Tips From Mamas Who Have Been There

Ever feel like you’re on a permanent tilt-a-whirl, but without the fun?]

That’s the lovely nausea that can come with pregnancy.

But we’re here to dish on all things nausea and how to keep it from ruling your world.

We’ll talk symptoms (because let’s face it, knowledge is power!), offer up some tried-and-true tricks to tame that tummy trouble, and remind you that you’re totally not alone in this.

So, grab a ginger tea (or your beverage of choice), put your feet up, and let’s tackle your pregnancy nausea together!

In this article: 📝

  • What is pregnancy nausea?
  • What does nausea feel like in early pregnancy?
  • Can you be nauseated but not throw up while pregnant?
  • How can I stop feeling nauseous during pregnancy?

What is pregnancy nausea?

Pregnancy nausea (aka morning sickness) is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and affects around 70-80% of pregnant people. [1]

But what exactly is pregnancy nausea, anyway?

Well, it’s mainly a reaction to the high level of hCG hormones that quickly rise during the first few weeks of pregnancy.

As you know, pregnancy varies from woman to woman — for some, pregnancy nausea gets better after the first 12 weeks, for others, it goes well into the second and even third trimester. [2,3]

And in case you’re wondering why we’re calling it pregnancy nausea rather than ‘morning sickness’, you might want to take a look at our #RenamingRevolution..

We’re on a mission to redefine the outdated terminology women face throughout fertility and motherhood, including ‘morning sickness’.

Because we all know it doesn’t just happen in the morning.

What does nausea feel like in early pregnancy?

Nausea in early pregnancy can feel pretty unpleasant (not that you needed us to tell you), but it’s a common experience for many women (around 63% according to some studies).

Here’s a breakdown of what it might feel like:

  • The general ick: A widespread sense of feeling queasy or like you might vomit, but without the urgent need to rush to the bathroom. It might come and go throughout the day.
  • Wave of nausea: A sudden and intense feeling like you need to throw up. It might hit you out of nowhere or be triggered by certain smells, foods, or even strong emotions.
  • The hunger games: This is where you feel hungry but the thought of actually eating anything makes you feel nauseous. It can be a frustrating cycle!
  • Dizzy and disoriented: Nausea can sometimes be accompanied by dizziness or light-headedness. This can be especially unpleasant if it hits you while you’re standing up.
  • Not just the morning: For some women, nausea can be constant, like a low-grade queasiness throughout the day. Others might experience it in waves that come and go.

But pregnancy nausea can affect everyone differently.

Some of our Peanut moms-to-be experience mild queasiness, while others get nausea and sickness more frequently.

There’s no right or wrong way to feel nauseous throughout pregnancy.

But if you are experiencing pregnancy nausea and it’s becoming a problem, or is accompanied by weight loss, diarrhea, dehydration or abdominal pain,, have a chat with your doctor.

They can offer tips on managing nausea, like eating smaller meals more frequently, drinking ginger tea, or taking medication.

💡 Get clued up: Pregnancy Nausea at Night: Treatments & Causes

Can you be nauseated but not throw up while pregnant?

Feeling like the world’s just a little off-kilter, mama?

That nausea during pregnancy can be a real drag, but it doesn’t always end in actually being sick.

It doesn’t have to happen only in the morning, and it can show up as just that icky queasy feeling without the technicolor yawn.

There are also things that can trigger this nausea like a bad smell, a certain food (goodbye greasy fries, maybe?), or even just being too hungry.

The good news?

Avoiding those triggers can help keep that nausea at bay, even if it doesn’t vanish completely.

How can I stop feeling nauseous during pregnancy?

So what can you do to kick pregnancy nausea to the curb? [4,5]

Here are the best tips from our Peanut moms-to-be — tried and tested, so you’re sure to find something that works for you:

  1. Ginger, ginger and more ginger… Try ginger biscuits, ginger tea, ginger gum, ginger ale, ginger tablets. It helped me so much.” — Shelby
  2. Carbs to soothe your stomach! I literally lived off of carbs during pregnancy because they helped my morning sickness so much.” — Anna
  3. Switch your prenatal vitamins. These might be making your nausea worse. I switched from pills to gummies and it helped a lot. Or try another brand if that doesn’t work!” — Becky
  4. Eat right before you go to sleep. And right before you get out of bed in the morning. Even if that sounds counterintuitive, it helps!” — Asia
  5. Snack on plain foods. Like crackers and rice cakes: teddy grahams, oyster crackers, saltines - all of these do the job of getting rid of some of the acid in your stomach.” — Jen
  6. Anti-nausea tablets from your doctor. From week 9 to 16 I took a prescription from my doctor because I was getting so dehydrated and couldn’t keep any food down. They were a game-changer!” — Holly
  7. Drink lemongrass or chamomile tea. Whenever I start feeling queasy or nauseous, I drink chamomile tea and it appeases my stomach.” — Emma
  8. Eat every three hours in small amounts. It definitely helps to eat what you actually crave and in small amounts. Little and often = the key to keeping things down and digesting.” — Steffany
  9. Sip cold water as soon as you’re out of bed. The water keeps you hydrated! Oh, and brush your teeth asap too, it really helped me ward off any sickness.” — Rachel
  10. Wear acupressure bracelets. Yes, those same bracelets that people wear while on a boat or in the car with motion sickness work for morning sickness too!” — Jamie
  11. Lie down and breathe!. Although this might seem obvious, sometimes you’ve got to actively remind yourself to relax. Stop what you’re doing and take some big deep breaths.” — Jacelyn
  12. Keep a fan nearby to keep you cool. I brought my mini fan to work and kept it on my desk all day, every day.” — Sai
  13. Walk it out! Go outside for a walk — preferably in a park or somewhere that’s not too busy or loud, away from the intensity of everyday life. Fresh air can do the trick!” — Rina

There’s more where that came from — join Peanut to connect with other mamas-to-be for the best tips on banishing your pregnancy nausea.


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