Congrats on your pregnancy, mama!
Your body will be going through a lot over the next 40-odd weeks, so here’s your pregnancy week-by-week guide so you know what to expect.
While your body is busy building a baby, it’s worth keeping track of your pregnancy symptoms week by week as baby makes their journey from bump to birth.
From early symptoms and feeling that first kick to baby’s size and weight, find out what to expect during pregnancy with our detailed pregnancy week-by-week guide.
In this article: 📝
- Pregnancy week-by-week: First trimester
- Pregnancy week-by-week: Second trimester
- Pregnancy week-by-week: Third trimester
- Pregnancy appointments timeline
- Pregnancy week-by-week FAQs
Pregnancy week-by-week: First trimester

A lot of changes occur during the first trimester as fetus development begins; your baby changes from a few cells into a fetus that is beginning to more closely resemble the baby that you’ll meet in a few short months (!)
This is all so new right now, but don’t worry, mama ‒ this first trimester of your week-by-week pregnancy guide will take you through all you need to know.
From your pregnancy appointments timeline and pregnancy ultrasound schedule to pregnancy milestones and how big baby is during your pregnancy timeline, we’ve got all you need to know about the first trimester.
Week 1
If you’ve just found out you’re expecting, you might think this is your first week of pregnancy…
Turns out, you’re probably around four weeks pregnant!
Simply put, day one of your pregnancy is calculated as the first day of your last period, so at one week pregnant you’re actually not pregnant at all (yep, really!).
So don’t expect to see anything on a 1-week ultrasound ‒ technically, baby isn’t there yet!
So you may not necessarily be giving birth 40 weeks from today ‒ it could be a little before or after that point, depending on when your last period was.
Nearly immediately following fertilization, the mother’s egg will quickly begin developing into lots of cells.
For the three days following conception, the egg will stay in the fallopian tube, then it will slowly move into the uterus.
Right now, the egg is a called a blastocyte, and it will keep dividing as it moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus.
The next step is implantation, where the egg attaches itself to the endometrium.
How big is baby? Well, they could just be the size of an unfertilized egg right now ‒ about 0.004 inches or 0.1 millimeters big, and they may not even be technically conceived yet.
Week 1 of pregnancy symptoms: Similar to your normal period symptoms ‒ a little bleeding (which may be implantation bleeding), mood swings, bloating, and cramps.
🔎 Dig deeper: 1 Week Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 2
Week 2 of your pregnancy might actually be when you get between the sheets ‒ when baby is conceived and around the time of implantation.
This is likely to be around the same time that you’re ovulating, which is also known as your fertile window ‒ the time in your menstrual cycle that you’re most likely to conceive.
So even though you’re classed as 2 weeks pregnant, your pregnancy week-by-week hasn’t really started yet!
Over the next four weeks or so, the egg continues to grow.
A water-tight sac, known as the amniotic sac, begin to form around the egg.
The sac will slowly fill up with fluid and s designed to provide cushioning for the embryo to develop.
How big is baby? Again, baby might not have even been conceived yet, so they’re just the size of an unfertilized egg… and a budding sperm. So roughly 0.004 inches or 0.1mm ‒ about the width of a strand of hair.
Week 2 of pregnancy symptoms: You might be feeling ovulation symptoms at this point, like an increase in leukorrhea (discharge), cramping, breast tenderness, and you might be feeling… in the mood… 😏
🔎 Dig deeper: 2 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 3
Hello, baby!
Although it might seem like nothing is happening on the outside, on the inside, you’ve made a baby!
This is where your pregnancy timeline can truly begin.
You recently ovulated and a fertilized egg is sitting happily on the wall of your uterus, gearing up to grow over the next eight months (give or take).
This is also around the time the placenta develops.
The placenta allows nutrients from the mother to be transferred to the baby and also helps remove waste from the baby.
How big is baby? Baby is a teeny tiny zygote right now, turning into a blastocyst ‒ doubling in size to 0.008 inches or 0.2mm.
Week 3 of pregnancy symptoms: Things haven’t really kicked off yet, in terms of pregnancy symptoms week by week, although you may notice a little bloating and a heightened sense of smell and taste.
🔎 Dig deeper: 3 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 4
Congrats, mama!
Some mamas may not know they’re pregnant at this stage, but it could be the point that your period doesn’t show up ‒ one of the first signs of pregnancy.
This might be the point that you try taking a home pregnancy test ‒ a lot of our mamas on Peanut choose a pregnancy test that shows weeks, so you know roughly how far along you are, before your first prenatal appointment.
How big is baby? Your developing baby is now officially an embryo and is the size of a poppy seed ‒ around 0.008 inches or 0.2mm.
Week 4 of pregnancy symptoms: You may not be feeling any different just yet, since early pregnancy symptoms don’t always kick in right away.
🔎 Dig deeper: 4 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 5
By week five, you should’ve missed your period ‒ one of the most obvious signs of pregnancy.
Also, at this point, the level of hCG in your body (aka the pregnancy hormone) is definitely high enough to be detected by a home pregnancy test, so if you haven’t had one so far, try now!
How big is baby? Baby’s jumped in size now, measuring in at around 0.06-0.08 inches or 1.5-2mm long ‒ about the size of the width of a piece of spaghetti.
Week 5 of pregnancy symptoms: You might be experiencing some morning sickness at this stage, along with a need to pee more often, tiredness, tender breasts, and hormonal mood swings. Welcome to pregnancy symptoms, week by week.
🔎 Dig deeper: 5 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 6
At week six, baby’s heart might be beating (you might even be able to hear it, with the help of a sonographer), and their fingers, toes, nose, mouth, and ears are beginning to form.
They also look a lot like a teeny tiny tadpole right now with a head and a tail!
Another big fetal development milestone that occurs early in the first trimester is that your baby’s face will begin to form.
Around this time, their face is very primitive and only has dark circles where their eyes will be.
How big is baby? Baby’s going to keep growing at a pretty impressive rate for a while ‒ now they’re around 0.15-0.2mm or 4-6mm long ‒ about the size of a lentil.
Week 6 of pregnancy symptoms: You might find that you’re running to the bathroom a lot more than usual, feeling bloated, queasy, and fatigued.
🔎 Dig deeper: 6 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 7
Only seven months left to go until you’re holding your baby in your arms!
This week, they’re growing bigger, stronger, and smarter by the second as new brain cells are being developed at a rate of 100 per minute.
Between weeks 5 and 8, their face will also develop more.
Little folds of skin will form on the sides of their head that will soon become their ears.
During the first trimester, the embryo’s head is proportionally much larger than the rest of their body, so don’t worry when you see all the pics of baby’s development, they’ll look more like a baby soon!
How big is baby? Grow, grow, grow! Baby’s 0.2-0.4 inches or 5-10mm long now ‒ around the size of half an aspirin tablet!
Week 7 of pregnancy symptoms: You might be experiencing morning sickness (which, by the way, doesn’t just happen in the morning!) as well as achy breasts.
🔎 Dig deeper: 7 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 8
Your placenta is maturing, growing new branches that will allow it to attach to the uterus lining soon.
By now, your clothes might start feeling a little snug.
That’s because your uterus, which is usually the size of a fist, has grown to the size of a large grapefruit.
By the end of week eight, the embryo has developed their neural tube, which consists of the brain, spinal cord, and neural tissue.
Bones are starting to form where cartilage once was, and the digestive tract is starting to develop.
How big is baby? Baby’s about 0.6 inches or 16mm long now ‒ around the size of a grape.
Week 8 of pregnancy symptoms: There’s a pretty long list of pregnancy symptoms week by week now: headaches, cramps, bloating, mood swings, cravings, discharge, and tender breasts.
🔎 Dig deeper: 8 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 9
All of your baby’s essential organs have begun to develop, and their muscles, and toes and starting to appear.
At this point, they’re looking less tadpole-like and more like a human (scroll back and see the image at the top!).
It’s also around this time that baby stops being called an embryo and starts being called a fetus.
How big is baby? Baby just keeps getting bigger, measuring in at about 0.9 inches or 22mm ‒ about the size of a peanut! 🥜
Week 9 of pregnancy symptoms: At week 9, your pregnancy symptoms are pretty severe (think: peeing seventeen thousand times a day and feeling exhausted 24/7).
🔎 Dig deeper: 9 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 10
You’re into double figures of your pregnancy week-by-week guide!
Week ten might be a good time to pull out those comfortable dresses and stretchy jeans too, as your bump might be beginning to show (don’t worry if it isn’t!).
Right now, teeth (under the gums), fingernails, toenails, and reproductive organs are developing.
But it’s still a bit too early to determine your baby’s sex during an ultrasound just yet.
How big is baby? This week, your baby’s about the size of a prune (around 1.2 inches or 30mm), and their fingers, toes, and nails are growing and bones and cartilage are forming. So they’re about the size of a large cherry!
Week 10 of pregnancy symptoms: Tiredness, constipation, gas, headaches, and weird dreams are all to be expected in week 10 of your pregnancy timeline.
🔎 Dig deeper: 10 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 11
Your little peanut’s fingers and toes have now separated ‒ way to go, mama!
Baby is now as big as a large fig, their bones are hardening, and their ears have settled into their final position on the sides of their head.
Even better? Your hunger might increase now as morning sickness should slowly start easing!
How big is baby? Baby’s starting to look a little more ‘human’ now, coming in at about 1.6 inches or 40mm long ‒ roughly the size of a fig.
Week 11 of pregnancy symptoms: Cravings and aversions might be in full swing by now, along with dizziness and bigger breasts.
🔎 Dig deeper: 11 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 12
Way to go ‒ your placenta is now fully functioning, and your baby will double in size so their major organs can continue to grow and develop.
You’ve reached the home stretch of the first trimester (finally!), which means baby has developed most of their important organs and their job from now on is to keep growing.
Although they’re busy moving around inside you, you won’t be able to feel a thing just yet.
How big is baby? Baby will have their limbs, systems, and organs by now, just all in miniature ‒ about 2.4 inches or 60mm long, or the size of a plum.
Week 12 of pregnancy symptoms: More dizziness, more headaches, more fatigue, and maybe, more morning sickness.
🔎 Dig deeper: 12 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Pregnancy week-by-week: Second trimester

Welcome to the next part of your pregnancy week-by-week guide: the second trimester.
From weeks 13 to 27, you’ll notice a few big changes in your body ‒ bumps, boobs, and baby’s first moves!
It might also be a good idea to invest in a pregnancy support belt for your growing bump, like this one by Lola&Lykke.
Week 13
Your baby’s internal sex organs are fully developed on the inside, while on the outside, there’s still a few final tweeks happening on the outside.
You might notice that you’ve gained a little bit of weight, which is totally normal, and although morning sickness may still be lingering, it won’t stick around for much longer (fingers crossed!).
How big is baby? Around the size of a lemon or a peach ‒ about 3 inches or 76mm.
Week 13 of pregnancy symptoms: The second trimester brings with it a whole host of fun pregnancy symptoms week by week… constipation, discharge, more visible veins, and, maybe, a little bit of a bump.
🔎 Dig deeper: 13 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 14
By week 14, your baby is starting to pee! It swallows small amounts of your amniotic fluid, and the working kidneys process this and pass the fluid back out as urine.
How big is baby? This baby just keeps getting bigger, coming in at about 3.5 inches or 90mm long ‒ roughly the size of a kiwi fruit.
This hair is designed to provide some protection for your baby in the womb.
Along with their lanugo, their skin is also covered with a coating of vernix caseosa, which is a white coating that prevents the amniotic fluid from damaging their skin.
Week 14 of pregnancy symptoms: This week, you also might start experiencing sharp pains on the sides of your stomach, but don’t worry, these are called round ligament pains and are nothing more than your body adjusting to growing a tiny human.
🔎 Dig deeper: 14 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 15
Your baby is flipping and flopping around inside you, and you might even begin to feel it, but usually, this is closer to 17 weeks.
Your baby is sprouting a thin, peach fuzz-like hair all over their body called lanugo that helps keep their body warm ‒ fetal development is neat, huh?!
How big is baby? Baby’s measuring about the same size as an apple now, around 4 inches or 100mm long.
Week 15 of pregnancy symptoms: Next up on the list of pregnancy symptoms week by week for you? Increased sex drive, and not-so-lovely heartburn.
🔎 Dig deeper: 15 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 16
Baby is now the size of an avocado, and their circulatory system is working hard to pump blood.
They’re practicing their facial movements (completely random as they do not have muscle control yet) and focusing on strengthening their bones ‒ adorable!
By the end of the 16th week, baby’s nervous system has started to function.
Babies also have fully developed reproductive organs by this point.
Their bones and teeth are getting stronger and denser, too.
How big is baby? Your little avocado is measuring in at about 4.7 inches or 120mm by now.
Week 16 of pregnancy symptoms: As your uterus grows bigger still, you may notice that you’re not able to breathe as deeply as before. And your breasts might be feeling fuller as your milk ducts start to come in.
🔎 Dig deeper: 16 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 17
They can now make sucking motions, and their eyes are moving, but they still prefer to keep them closed.
Your baby is starting to grow their fingernails and should by now have their own unique set of fingerprints.
At this point in your pregnancy, you might start noticing faint stretch marks, a pregnancy souvenir.
How big is baby? About 5 inches or 120mm long now, growing stronger and stronger, baby’s about the size of a pomegranate!
Week 17 of pregnancy symptoms: Feeling hungry? That’s totally normal for this point in your pregnancy timeline. Keep eating healthily to make sure you and baby are staying strong!
🔎 Dig deeper: 17 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 18
Around week 18 you might get to see your little one on an ultrasound.
They’re now able to yawn, hiccup, twist, roll, and kick - which you might be able to start feeling over the next few weeks.
Plus, baby now sleeps and wakes throughout the day and is responsive to loud noises outside of the womb.
How big is baby? Baby’s going through a bit of a growth spurt right now, jumping to around 5.5 inches or 142mm long, or about the size of a bell pepper.
Week 18 of pregnancy symptoms: You might notice your ankles swelling a little by this point in your pregnancy timeline ‒ try to sit with your feet propped up, or avoid standing up for long periods.
🔎 Dig deeper: 18 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 19
Your baby is about the size of a beef tomato or mango now and their kicks are getting stronger.
They’re also forming vernix, a waxy covering that protects their skin from amniotic fluid.
How big is baby? Your little one is measuring in at about 6 inches or 153mm.
Week 19 of pregnancy symptoms: At 19 weeks pregnant you’re probably experiencing new aches and pains, like leg cramps, backache, or a stuffy nose - which are all completely normal.
🔎 Dig deeper: 19 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 20
You’ve reached the halfway point of your pregnancy timeline!
It’s likely that you now know whether you’re having a boy or girl (if you opted to find out!) or you’ll be discovering this soon.
Baby is now the size of an eggplant, so you may have to start fighting off random strangers who insist on feeling your pregnant belly (no, this is not OK!).
How big is baby? Baby’s getting big now ‒ about 9.9 inches or 250mm!
Week 20 of pregnancy symptoms: You’re carrying a bit more weight now, so you may notice some leg cramping and your belly button popping from an innie to an outie. Embrace your beautiful bump, mama!
🔎 Dig deeper: 20 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 21
By week 21 of your pregnancy timeline, there’s a good chance you’ve felt baby’s first movements ‒ if you haven’t, don’t worry, it might take a few more weeks for you to pinpoint those first kicks.
They’re certainly trying to show you they’re there, though, as they squirm around and move their fully formed fingers, toes, and fingerprints!
How big is baby? Now baby’s moving about, you’ll likely be able to feel all 10.6 inches or 270mm of them ‒ they’re about the size of a carrot.
Week 21 of pregnancy symptoms: Heartburn, leaking breasts, and stretch marks might just be greeting you like old friends at this point in your pregnancy timeline. It’s all part of the process!
🔎 Dig deeper: 21 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 22
Baby’s tiny tear ducts are starting to develop as they continue to move their eyes around underneath their eyelids, and their taste buds continue to develop rapidly.
How big is baby? Baby is now about 11 inches or 280mm long ‒ as big as a squash.
Week 22 of pregnancy symptoms: As your stomach continues to expand, you might notice that your feet are getting a little bigger too, but don’t worry, this is totally normal.
🔎 Dig deeper: 22 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 23
Speak up, mama, as baby can now hear you.
The placenta is working hard to transfer oxygen and nutrients, and remove waste products as your baby continues to grow.
Babies born after the 23rd week are viable, but will need lots of additional care and support to be able to survive.
Their chances of survival increase significantly if they are born closer to the end of the second trimester.
How big is baby? You’re well over halfway, and baby’s getting bigger still, now about 11.4 inches or 290mm long at this point in your pregnancy timeline, around the size of a grapefruit!
Week 23 of pregnancy symptoms: This week, you might notice the sudden appearance of a dark line running from your belly button, this is called linea nigra and it’ll eventually fade.
🔎 Dig deeper: 23 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 24
Your baby is starting to learn your voice, so continue to talk (or sing!) to them when you can.
As your baby’s muscles continue to grow, they’re putting on more weight, growing more hair, and their lungs are fully formed (way to go!).
And it sounds weird, but right now, baby’s skin is translucent, but don’t worry, it won’t be for long.
How big is baby? Baby’s around the 11.8 inches or 300mm mark by now ‒ about the size of a corn cob.
Week 24 of pregnancy symptoms: This week in your pregnancy timeline, you might notice your former innie belly button is now an outie, and that your ankles and feet are swelling ‒ things will return to normal after delivery!
🔎 Dig deeper: 24 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 25
Baby is now as big as a courgette and no matter what their skin color will eventually be, it’s turning pinker now.
Plus, their nose starts working this week, allowing your little one to start taking practice breaths (well, breaths of amniotic fluid).
How big is baby? Ready for another growth spurt? Baby could be growing up to about 13.2 inches or 335mm in week 25, around the size of a rutabaga.
Week 25 of pregnancy symptoms: As baby grows, so will your beautiful bump, bringing with it a few fun pregnancy symptoms week by week, like heartburn, skin irritation, hemorrhoids, and indigestion.
🔎 Dig deeper: 25 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 26
How many weeks is 6 months into pregnancy? Well, 6 months to weeks works out at roughly 26 weeks.
Eyelashes are growing, fingernails have officially arrived, and your tiny gymnast is starting to run low on room in your uterus as they practice their acrobatics.
Their eyes are finally open and they can respond to noises they hear with an increase in heart rate or movement.
How big is baby? Along with their beautiful eyelashes, baby will be growing up to about 13.8 inches or 350mm in week 26, about the length of a scallion.
Week 26 of pregnancy symptoms: You may be feeling a little more clumsy in week 26 of your pregnancy timeline, along with a bit of baby brain. Expect to find your sunglasses in the fridge and mugs in the wardrobe.
🔎 Dig deeper: 26 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 27
Your uterus is now the size of a basketball, and inside your baby is the size of a cauliflower and more than a foot long.
You might find that this week your new outie belly button starts to protrude even more, and you start to experience insomnia.
How big is baby? As your uterus grows, so does baby ‒ they’re around 14.4 inches or 365mm long now!
Week 27 of pregnancy symptoms: Feeling faint? That’s totally normal in week 27 of your pregnancy timeline. Make sure you’re staying nourished and hydrated, for your and baby’s sakes.
🔎 Dig deeper: 27 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Pregnancy week-by-week: Third trimester

Nearly there! Just 12 more weeks to go in your pregnancy week-by-week guide (maybe more… maybe less…).
Baby’s working on getting bigger, developing more body fat for that oh-so-cute chubby-cheeks baby face.
Week 28
Welcome to the third trimester! Hang in there, mama.
Your baby can dream, blink, and make faces inside your womb now.
Even if you’re uncomfortable, swollen, can’t sleep, and your back aches, know that you’re doing an amazing job growing a healthy baby!
How big is baby? Baby’s working on brain development, but they haven’t stopped growing, reaching about 15 inches or 380mm long.
Week 28 of pregnancy symptoms: If you’re feeling extra gassy right now, don’t worry about it, blame the baby! And expect a few more general aches and pains… what fun.
🔎 Dig deeper: 28 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 29
Your womb is getting pretty cramped at this point in your pregnancy timeline, so those flips and kicks are now uncomfortable jabs and pokes from little elbows and knees.
You might find that you can barely see your feet when you’re standing too, and you’re probably down to just a few outfits that fit.
How big is baby? Baby’s nearly at their birth length now, coming in at 15.7 inches or 400mm.
Week 29 of pregnancy symptoms: Feeling something like contractions? Those could be Braxton Hicks contractions ‒ a bit of a taster for what’s to come at the end of your pregnancy timeline.
🔎 Dig deeper: 29 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 30
Your growing baby bump is a definite clue that your little one is getting bigger day by day.
Their hands are now fully formed, they weigh about three pounds, and the lanugo ‒ that peach fuzz-like covering on their body ‒ is beginning to disappear as their new fat cells regulate their body temperature.
How big is baby? Baby might grow in length a little slower now, since they’re focusing on gaining weight rather than height, so they’re probably measuring about 16 inches or 400mm.
Week 30 of pregnancy symptoms: Sleeplessness, dry skin, heartburn, and general body aches are all to be expected at this point in your pregnancy timeline.
🔎 Dig deeper: 30 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 31
Your baby’s brain is working overtime these days and developing faster than ever, plus they can now use all five of their senses!
Your baby can start recognising voices outside the womb, so keep talking and bonding with your baby!
How big is baby? Just a little bit longer, baby’s now measuring around 16.5 inches or 418mm.
Week 31 of pregnancy symptoms: Your growing uterus is starting to push all of your internal organs elsewhere, which may leave you feeling short of breath, and desperate for the bathroom.
🔎 Dig deeper: 31 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 32
Baby’s organs are now fully formed and their skin is no longer transparent.
The main aim for the last weeks of pregnancy is for your baby to put on weight!
They’re around four pounds and somewhere from 15 to 17 inches long.
How big is baby? Getting ever closer to their birth length, baby’s clocking in at about 17 inches or 430mm long.
Week 32 of pregnancy symptoms: This week in your pregnancy timeline, you might start experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, but that doesn’t mean you’re going into labor, it’s just your body practicing and gearing up for the big event.
🔎 Dig deeper: 32 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 33
Your baby drinks about a pint of amniotic fluid each day now, which helps prepare their body for life outside of the womb.
How big is baby? Just a little bit bigger, baby’s likely measuring about 17.3 inches or 440mm long.
Week 33 of pregnancy symptoms: At this point in your pregnancy week-by-week, your breasts might start leaking colostrum, a nutrient-dense milk, and your belly is likely to get increasingly itchy as it stretches. Ah, the joys of pregnancy!
🔎 Dig deeper: 33 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 34
How many weeks in 8 months? Well, about 34!
With just six weeks to go, your baby is as big as a pineapple and the vernix on their skin is thickening in preparation for its shedding over the next few weeks.
How big is baby? Your little pineapple is measuring around 17.7 inches or 450mm by now.
Week 34 of pregnancy symptoms: You’ll want to be careful at this point in your pregnancy timeline, as you might be a little more clumsy as your center of gravity changes because of your ever-growing bump!
🔎 Dig deeper: 34 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 35
By this week in your pregnancy timeline, baby is starting to prepare to exit and is likely to be positioned with their head facing down towards your cervix.
Don’t worry, their soft skull allows them to squeeze through the birth canal with ease.
How big is baby? They’re nearly here, and they’re coming in at about 18.1 inches or 460mm long.
Week 35 of pregnancy symptoms: Take some time to chill this week mama, as you’re probably dealing with a lot of swelling and Braxton Hicks by now!
🔎 Dig deeper: 35 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 36
Your baby is packing on the cuteness (literally) with chubby little arms and legs by now.
They may drop lower into your pelvis sometime soon, which may make you waddle a bit when you walk, but at least it will make more room for your lungs so you can breathe again!
How big is baby? Still getting a little bigger, baby’s about 18.5 inches or 470mm long.
Week 36 of pregnancy symptoms: Prodromal labor may be something you’re experiencing at this point in your pregnancy timeline, along with pelvic pain, insomnia, and, of course, the pregnancy waddle.
🔎 Dig deeper: 36 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 37
By week 37, your (not so) little peanut is almost ready to make their grand entrance!
They can grasp things now, like their toes or ears, and they may even be sucking their thumb in preparation for feeding in the real world.
Their lungs can not function in the outside world on their own, ready to take their first breath!
Don’t worry if you start to feel less movement in your womb as baby runs out of space, but you should still feel something every day.
How big is baby? They’re nearly here, and they’re about 18.9 inches or 480mm long!
Week 37 of pregnancy symptoms: As baby’s pressing into your bladder, you might find that you’re peeing more often ‒ totally normal. Also expect to feel like you need to start nesting to prepare for baby’s arrival.
🔎 Dig deeper: 37 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 38
At 38 weeks pregnant, all systems are (almost!) go.
Baby is now as big as a mini watermelon and continues to shed lanugo and vernix.
As their brain and nervous system are fine-tuned, they’re also working on maturing their lungs ready for their first breath outside of the womb.
How big is baby? Just a few more weeks to go, and baby’s coming in at around 19.3 inches or 490mm.
Week 38 of pregnancy symptoms: Most pregnancy symptoms week by week are old hat to you now, but you may also be feeling a little hotter than usual, so try to stay in the shade and wear loose clothing to help keep yourself cool.
🔎 Dig deeper: 38 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 39
Wondering how many weeks is 9 months pregnant? Well, 9 months to weeks is technically about 39 weeks into your pregnancy timeline.
With just one week to go, your little one isn’t quite so little these days as they’ve reached their birth weight!
How big is baby? They’re nearly ready to meet you, and baby’s likely to be at their birth size ‒ about 19.7 inches or 500mm long.
Week 39 of pregnancy symptoms: This week you should be watching for signs of labor, like the loss of your mucus plug, bloody show, and regular contractions.
🔎 Dig deeper: 39 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 40
You made it, mama!
Your baby likely weighs anywhere from six to nine pounds and measures between 19 and 22 inches.
At birth, their vision will be a little blurry and they’ll love being swaddled and hearing your voice.
How big is baby? Baby’s not likely to be growing much more beyond 19.7-20 inches or 500-510mm at this point, since they’re now full-term.
Week 40 of pregnancy symptoms: Your body will know when it’s time to deliver ‒ this week, your cervix will open and thin out, and your doctor will provide measurements to give you a better idea of when you can expect to go into active labor.
🔎 Dig deeper: 40 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 41
You’re not technically overdue until 42 weeks, so if you’re still pregnant, no need to panic!
Your doctor will keep a close eye on you and your baby’s health to make sure things are progressing smoothly.
Try to put your feet up and rest.
How big is baby? Baby’s still clocking in at about 20 inches or 510mm long.
Week 41 of pregnancy symptoms: You’re probably feeling sick and tired of being pregnant by now, and we feel you, mama ‒ baby will be with you soon!
🔎 Dig deeper: 41 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Week 42
Your due date has come and gone and you’re probably sick of everyone calling to ask whether you’ve had the baby yet.
Your doctor will continue to keep a close eye to help determine the best course of action.
Whether you’re scheduled for an induction or you go into labor on your own, you’ve got this!
How big is baby? Your little watermelon is about 20 inches or 510mm long.
Week 42 of pregnancy symptoms: Keep an eye out for any signs of labor ‒ your waters breaking, diarrhea, or a bloody show.
🔎 Dig deeper: 42 Weeks Pregnant: Almost There!
Pregnancy appointments timeline
So now we know your full pregnancy week-by-week schedule (if we can really call it that!), let’s break down your pregnancy ultrasound schedule.
It’s worth noting here that not every pregnancy will have all of these appointments ‒ some pregnancies are classed as ‘high risk’, so would require more check-ups and additions to your pregnancy appointments timeline.
- First pregnancy appointment: Between weeks 8 and 12, you’ll have your first pregnancy appointment and ultrasound. It’s worth booking this in as soon as you find out you’re pregnant. Your doctor will also run through how baby’s developing, what to expect, any lifestyle or dietary changes they recommend, along with any potential risks or things to be aware of during your pregnancy.
- Second pregnancy appointment: Once you’re in your second trimester, usually between weeks 16 and 20, you’ll have your second pregnancy appointment and ultrasound. You usually book this in during your first appointment. This is also the time that you can find out baby’s sex, if you want to.
- Third pregnancy appointment: If this is your first pregnancy, you’ll likely have an appointment at around 25 weeks, although it’s not likely that you’ll have an ultrasound at this point in your pregnancy timeline.
- Fourth pregnancy appointment: You may also have another pregnancy appointment at around 28 weeks, to check baby’s growth and your physical wellbeing.
- Fifth pregnancy appointment: At about 30 weeks, you may have another appointment and possibly an ultrasound ‒ again, to check on baby’s growth and measure things like your blood pressure and protein levels.
- Sixth pregnancy appointment: Depending on how your pregnancy has been so far, your doctor may recommend another ultrasound and pregnancy appointment at 36 weeks. Then, from about 36 weeks, you’ll probably have weekly appointments, just to make sure you and baby are doing well ‒ after all, pregnancy is exhausting!
- Seventh pregnancy appointment: If baby’s not showing any signs of leaving the cozy home you’ve made for them over the past 9 months, your doctor may recommend a final ultrasound at 40 weeks, to check up on how baby’s doing and figure out the next best steps ‒ basically, getting baby outta there!
Pregnancy week-by-week FAQs
Still got some burning questions about your pregnancy countdown? We’ve got you covered.
How many weeks is a pregnancy?
Just how many weeks is full-term pregnancy?
Roughly about 40 weeks, although some babies are born before that (preemie babies) and some are born after then.
If baby is born after 42 weeks of your pregnancy, they’re classed as post-term, and you’ll usually be induced or have a c-section.
Is pregnancy 40 weeks or 9 months?
Sort of… both. Although 9 months is about week 39 of your pregnancy timeline, and some babies can be born at this time, other pregnancies can be a little longer.
Is a 42-week pregnancy normal?
Yes, a 42-week pregnancy is totally normal. Most pregnancies last between 37-42 weeks.
Once you go beyond the 42 weeks, your pregnancy is considered post-term and may come with potential risks.
These include vaginal tearing, c-section, and postpartum complications.
Is 37 weeks full term?
While babies can be born at 37 weeks and be totally healthy, that’s classed as early term.
Baby will be full-term from 39-40 weeks.
What’s the best pregnancy test with weeks indicator?
Looking for a pregnancy test that shows weeks?
Well, according to our mamas of Peanut, the best of all the pregnancy tests that show weeks is the Zioxx Digital Early Result Pregnancy Test Kit with Smart Weeks Indicator.
It’s pretty accurate in estimating how many weeks your pregnancy is, but for the most accurate result, it’s best to see your doctor for your first ultrasound.
What are the key milestones in pregnancy?
Pregnancy milestones differ from mama to mama ‒ after all, the first time you get morning sickness might not be a cherished memory for every mama.
But here’s a list of all the key pregnancy milestones for you to keep track of:
- Your positive pregnancy test.
- Telling your partner, friends, or family.
- The first time you get pregnancy nausea.
- Your first pregnancy appointment.
- Announcing your pregnancy on social media (if you choose to).
- Buying baby’s first outfit.
- Your first pregnancy craving (bonus points if it’s weird!).
- Finding out baby’s sex.
- Picking out potential baby names.
- Hearing baby’s heartbeat.
- Noticing your baby bump for the first time.
- Feeling baby move for the first time.
- Your baby shower (or sprinkle, if you choose to have one).
- Feeling baby kick for the first time (it’s a little different from their first flutters.
- Baby dropping ‒ they’re getting ready to meet you!
- Baby’s birth!
What’s the best week-by-week pregnancy book?
Looking for a few pregnancy week-by-week books to keep track of where you are in your pregnancy journey?
Here are the best pregnancy week-by-week books according to our mamas on Peanut:
- Pregnancy Day By Day: An Illustrated Daily Countdown to Motherhood, from Conception to Childbirth by DK and Maggie Blott ‒ perfect for if you’re looking for pregnancy weekly photos. Buy it here
- The Whole 9 Months: A Week-By-Week Pregnancy Nutrition Guide with Recipes for a Healthy Start by Jennifer Lang (MD) and Dana Angelo White (MS RD) ‒ great for healthy eating during your pregnancy, week by week. Buy it here.
- Your Pregnancy Week by Week by Glade B. Curtis and Judith Schuler ‒ a fully illustrated, in-depth breakdown of your pregnancy, week by week. Buy it here.
- The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth by Genevieve Howland ‒ if you’re looking for a more natural approach to your pregnancy week-by-week (although we still recommend visiting a doctor for your advised pregnancy appointments), then this is the book for you! Buy it here.
- Pregnancy Journal: A Week-By-Week Guide to a Happy, Healthy Pregnancy by Paula Spencer Scott ‒ Perfect if you want a pregnancy week‒by-week book you can fill out with your symptoms and thoughts. Buy it here.
What is the halfway point in pregnancy?
The halfway point in your pregnancy is likely to be between weeks 20-24.
When do I start showing?
It depends on your body type and how many babies you’re carrying, but generally, you can expect to be showing from about 16 weeks of your pregnancy.
Which trimester is the most critical?
Well, all trimesters are important, as baby develops in different ways through each of them.
But the first trimester is when baby starts to grow, so the first trimester can be what sets them in good stead for the rest of the pregnancy.
What week is most critical in pregnancy?
It’s hard to define one specific week that’s most critical in your pregnancy ‒ but around week 3 or 4 can be critical, as that’s likely to be when conception and/or implantation happens.
Which trimester is physically the easiest on the mother?
So what is the easiest trimester? Well, it’s a tricky question, because different pregnancies affect different mamas in different ways.
But, very generally speaking, the second trimester is the ‘nicest’ trimester for some mamas ‒ less of the anxiety and nausea of the first trimester (sometimes) and not as much of the discomfort as the third trimester.
At what week do most pregnancy symptoms start?
It depends ‒ some mamas have pregnancy symptoms as early as 4 weeks pregnant, while others don’t feel any different until about 8 weeks pregnant.
There you have it! Your complete pregnancy week-by-week guide!
For more support, advice, and information throughout pregnancy and beyond, join us on Peanut ‒ we think you’ll fit right in!