Probable Signs of Pregnancy

Probable Signs of Pregnancy

Understanding the probable signs of pregnancy can be really useful if you’re trying to conceive (or trying not to). We’ll take you through the details.
Trying to conceive (TTC) — and trying not to — can alert you to even the slightest changes in your body.

Even before your period is due, every twinge and tenderness can feel like a message.

So how do you know if what you’re experiencing are probable signs of pregnancy?

We’ll take you through the details.

And we’ll start by taking a look at the different types of pregnancy signs.

In this article: 📝

  • The three groups of pregnancy signs
  • Probable signs of pregnancy
  • Presumptive Signs

The three groups of pregnancy signs

Signs of pregnancy fall into three categories: presumptive, probable, and positive.

While pregnancy signs vary from one pregnancy to another, these groups can be a handy map through this journey.

Presumptive signs of pregnancy

Presumptive signs of pregnancy” are experiences in your body that give you clues that you might be pregnant.

Some common ones include a period that’s a few days late, nausea, or tender breasts.

Probable signs of pregnancy

Probable signs of pregnancy” means that it’s incredibly likely that you’re pregnant.

Things like a consistently high basal body temperature (BBT), changes in your abdominal area, and a softening of the uterus and cervix.

A positive test is also a probable sign. (Yep, a positive test is still a probable rather than a positive sign.)

Positive signs of pregnancy

Positive signs of pregnancy” are surefire marks that there is a fetus growing inside you.

Fetal movements, a positive ultrasound scan, and hearing the sound of a baby’s heartbeat with a fetal Doppler are all positive signs.

So, the bottom line when it comes to probable signs of pregnancy?

They let you know that pregnancy is probably on the cards.

Let’s explore these important clues in a little more detail.

Probable signs of pregnancy

Raised basal body temperature

If you are TTC, you might be monitoring your basal body temperature (BBT) to figure out your fertile window.

If your BBT rises and stays that way for two weeks or more, it’s a good sign that a pregnancy test is in order.

There are other reasons for your basal body temperature to remain high, like having a restless night’s sleep or being ill.

But it’s most often an important message from your body that conception has taken place.

A positive pregnancy test

If you have a positive pregnancy test at home, it’s a good idea to get in touch with your doctor.

Your doctor may give you another test to confirm your result.

Like at-home tests, these work by testing the levels of a hormone called hCG which is present in your body after conception takes place.

Doctors can use either a urine or blood test to check.

And although getting a positive result here may seem like it’s a sure thing, it’s still considered a probable sign.

Early pregnancy losses and some rare illnesses can also lead to increased hCG supply.

Once you’ve had an ultrasound, or your doctor has detected fetal movement, you can confirm your result.

Hegar’s sign

Hegar’s sign refers to the softening of the place where your cervix and uterus meet (called your cervical isthmus).

When this happens, your cervix and uterus feel like two separate areas.

Your doctor can look for this sign by inserting two fingers into your vagina and touching your abdomen at the same time.

Chadwick’s sign

Chadwick’s sign is a bluish coloring of the cervix, vagina, and labia.

It happens at around four to eight weeks after conception and is caused by an increase in blood flow throughout your body.

During pregnancy, your blood flow continues to increase by as much as 25%.

Goodell’s sign

Goodell’s sign is a softening of the cervix that can be felt during the first four to eight weeks of pregnancy.

Your doctor can do a pelvic exam to check for it.

Like Chadwick’s sign, Goodell’s sign is caused by increased blood flow.

And then, before you have probable signs, these presumptive signs might give you clues.

Presumptive Signs

No period

If you feel like your period is about to arrive, but it doesn’t, it can be an important clue that you may be pregnant.

And, because life is confusing, many of the early signs of pregnancy can be similar to signs your period is on its way.


Even before you miss your period, you might start feeling a little queasy.

Commonly known as morning sickness, this early sign does not keep the office hours it so often claims to. It can strike at any time.

We don’t know exactly what causes morning sickness, but an increase in the pregnancy hormones, estrogen, and progesterone, may be at the heart of it.

The good news is that, although it’s possible to experience it for the full nine months, pregnancy nausea usually subsides after the first trimester.

Increased need to pee

An increase in your fluid levels means your kidneys are working extra hard.

So yep, those frequent trips to the bathroom can be a pretty big hint that pregnancy is on the horizon.


In some pregnancies, light spotting, known as implantation bleeding, happens about ten to fourteen days after conception has taken place.

It can appear as pink or brownish blood and is generally much lighter than your period.

But it’s a tricky one because it tends to arrive at around the same time as your next expected period. Sometimes, knowing the difference can be a challenge.

Tender breasts

The hormonal changes that happen in early pregnancy can cause your breasts to swell and feel tender.

You may also notice that the pink skin of your nipples — the areolas — become enlarged or darker.

Mood changes

The hormones that help support the growth and development of a baby can hit you in the feels.

In the early stages of pregnancy, it’s not uncommon to go from happy to teary in one fell swoop.


If a fertilized egg (embryo) has attached itself to the lining of your uterus, your body might let you know about it.

The cramping in very early pregnancy is called implantation cramping.

It’s not unusual to experience other cramps later on in pregnancy as your uterus expands.

But if you are in a lot of pain at any point, it’s best to check in with your doctor.


Even if you’ve been getting a decent amount of sleep each night, you might find that you feel exhausted from everyday activities.

Hello, pregnancy fatigue!

The increased blood production is, again, partially to blame.

A huge amount of energy also goes into developing the placenta and growing the fetus. All-in-all, it’s normal to feel pooped.

If you have any or all of these signs, it’s a good idea to take an at-home pregnancy test.

If the test is negative, but your symptoms continue, it might be a good idea to call a doctor to check that nothing else is up.

Early signs of pregnancy can be hard to spot and even misleading.

In some cases, you might not have any pregnancy signs and be pregnant.

Wherever you’re at, look after yourself.

This can be a time filled with major highs and lows.

And if you want some support, reach out to your Peanut community. You don’t have to do this alone.

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What Is a Cryptic Pregnancy? Hidden Pregnancy Signs
Cervical Mucus in Early Pregnancy: Key Info
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