We’ve teamed up with charities and shelters so all women can join the festivities, and we want you to join our mission. This Christmas, Santa is a Woman.
Behind every bit of holiday magic is a hard-working woman.
We know, you know, everyone knows that Santa is a Woman.
But what happens when that woman is living in poverty and can’t afford the basics?
The necessities that we often take for granted don’t feature in the lives of millions of women.
As poverty rates rise during the pandemic and women continue to be disproportionately affected, we’re launching our very own campaign to spread some festive magic: Santa Is a Woman.
Our initiative is simple: we send you a box to fill with essential items and return to shelters and charities to help women living in poverty.
Want to become part of our army of women Santas? Here’s how. ⬇️

Step 1: Match
To get involved, download the Peanut app and match with Santa.
We’ll then send you instructions on how to get your box (spoiler alert: it’s really easy!).

Step 2: Gift
When your box arrives, add some necessities that you’d like to gift a woman in need ‒ from cozy slippers to simple jewelry.
Your box will ensure that another woman feels recognized and receives something this holiday season.

Step 3: Send
Finally, return your box to us using the addressed label provided.
We’ll then forward this to charities and shelters throughout the country.
Items on our wishlist
Not sure what to include in your festive package?
Here are some ideas to inspire you:
- Robes
- Slippers
- Mugs
- Nail polish
- Simple jewelry
- Hair accessories
- Toiletries
- Gloves
- Cozy socks
- Books
We have an ambitious goal of delivering 7,000 boxes to women in poverty this December, so please help us by claiming your box today.
And let’s spread the word: Santa is a woman!