Vaginal Discomfort During Pregnancy: All the Info

Vaginal Discomfort During Pregnancy: All the Info

Oh yay.

I have an uncomfortable vagina now?

Real talk: this whole growing a baby thing can have proper implications for your general pelvic area.

And vaginal discomfort often comes with the territory here.

So is it worth worrying about vaginal pain and pressure?

What exactly causes this vaginal discomfort during pregnancy? And what can you do about it?

In this article: 📝

  • What does it mean when you feel uncomfortable down there?
  • What causes vulvar discomfort?
  • What causes vaginal itching and burning during pregnancy?
  • How do you treat vaginal sensitivity?

What does it mean when you feel uncomfortable down there?

Vaginal discomfort during pregnancy comes in a variety of genres: vaginal itching, vaginal burning, and of course, the infamous general heaviness.

Sometimes all of this can happen simultaneously.

What causes vulvar discomfort?

Vaginal cramping and feelings of heaviness are common throughout pregnancy – especially in the second or third trimester.

Let’s look at some of the potential causes more closely:

Vaginal discomfort during early pregnancy

In the first few weeks of pregnancy, your uterus is expanding.

(Think of it as a major renovation for the new house guest.)

As it does, you may feel some cramping in your pelvic area.

If this cramping doesn’t go away or is really painful, chat to your healthcare provider.

Because the risk of miscarriage is at its highest during the first trimester, a little added TLC is needed.

Vaginal discomfort during late pregnancy

In the second and third trimesters, vaginal discomfort is often caused by the fact that you have another human being inside you who is taking up a ton of space.

This reality puts a whole lot of pressure on that magic menagerie of muscles called the pelvic floor.

Now, the pelvic floor is usually really good at bolstering the systems that reside in your lower half, creating an excellent support structure for the intestines, uterus, bladder, and rectum.

So yes, when it’s not operating at its peak, things may feel more than a little uncomfortable.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

If the pressure gets super intense, you might have what is known as Organ Prolapse(POP), where your organs drop down from their usual position into an area where it’s not meant to be found.

This sounds really dramatic—but while it can be painful and cause other symptoms like incontinence, it is treatable.

Get in touch with your healthcare provider. You don’t have to struggle through this alone.

Rising relaxin

Not only is that little human being taking up a lot of space, but they also have an exit strategy.

To help them out with their escape plan, your body produces a hormone called relaxin.

Its job is to relax the ligaments around the pelvis and assist with the opening of the cervix.

That’s all great—except for the fact that in some women, relaxin also causes vaginal discomfort.

Not so great.

But while this may be uncomfortable at the moment, it does mean that your body is doing the prep work it needs to be doing.

(It definitely doesn’t mean that you just have to put on a brave face, though. Talk to your doctor about relief.)

What causes vaginal itching and burning during pregnancy?

While uncomfortable, vaginal itching is common during pregnancy. Here are some possible causes:

  • Yeast infection: If you suspect this, chat with your doctor, as there is a chance you can pass it on to your baby during childbirth.
  • Bacterial vaginosis: This means the balance between good bacteria and bad bacteria is out of whack. You may experience a thin clear or gray discharge and a smell that you don’t love.
  • Hormonal changes: These cause all sorts of shifts in you, including drum roll vaginal dryness. This may make sex during pregnancy painful. Bottom line: only have sex when you want to. And lube is your friend.
  • UTIs. There’s a lot of pressure on your bladder right now and this, and/or contact with bacteria, can cause UTIs. Yes, these can be very uncomfortable. If caused by a particular bacteria called GBS, they can be harmful to your baby. Worth checking out.
  • Cystitis. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make you more vulnerable to cystitis.
  • STIs. If you have a rash, warts, and/or flu-like symptoms, check in with your healthcare provider. No shame.
  • Reactions to products. Soaps, douches, perfumes. You may just be extra sensitive right now.

How do you treat vaginal sensitivity?

Because there’s no one cause, there’s no one treatment.

Here are some options:

  • Try pelvic floor exercises: Squeeze your anus and vagina together. Hold for 10 seconds. Release. Repeat.
  • Pregnancy massage: A prenatal massage can do wonders for removing some of the general tension you are experiencing on your journey.
  • Ask your doctor about vaginal pessaries: These are removable devices that can be inserted into your vagina to support your pelvic floor. You need to get strict medical guidance here to help you through the process.
  • Stay hydrated: Not a bad idea anyway—but also goes a long way to alleviate pregnancy symptoms like UTIs and constipation.
  • Empty your bladder completely: Especially after sex. This helps to stave off UTIs.
  • Avoid using any soaps/washes/douches that might give you a reaction.
  • Go commando: Specifically at night. Fresh air does wonders.
  • Use vaginal creams and/or suppositories to treat yeast infections: Your doctor may prescribe a treatment.
  • Take antibiotics: as prescribed for certain STIs and urinary infections like cystitis.

No, this is not fun.

But it’s also not forever.

We’re rooting for you!

And so is the Peanut community

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