When Can You Feel Baby Move? Baby’s First Moves

When Can You Feel Baby Move? Baby’s First Moves

When it comes to baby’s first moves, how do you know it’s not just gas? Or hunger? Or nerves? Just, when can you feel baby move?

Baby’s first moves can be tough to spot at first, but when you do, well… that’s when the fun starts!

Your baby’s first moves won’t always be as dramatic as a big kick, punch, or jab.

Instead, it’s likely to be far more subtle.

So subtle, in fact, that you might not notice it right away.

They can easily be dismissed as “probably just gas” or “maybe I’m hungry.”

Or… maybe it’s your baby finally making their first tiny attempts at soccer or kickboxing.

But how do you know?

Here, we take a look at when you can feel your baby move, what it feels like, and how often you can expect it to happen.

In this article: 📝

  • When do you feel baby move?
  • When can you feel baby move from outside?
  • What do early baby movements feel like?
  • How often should you feel baby movement?
  • How to get baby to move
  • When will I feel my baby move?

When do you feel baby move?

So when do you start feeling baby move?

As we’re always keen to point out, every pregnancy is different.

There’s no hard and fast rule for when you should feel your little karate kid’s first kick, but it will usually happen any time between week 16 and week 24.

Those first baby moves (also known as quickening) are more likely to occur when you’re sitting or lying down in a calm, quiet position.

If this is your second pregnancy, you may even experience your baby’s first moves as early as week 13, since you’ll be more in tune with what it feels like.

What is the absolute earliest you can feel baby move?

How early can you feel baby move?

Well, it depends on how sensitive you are to baby’s first moves ‒ if you know what to ‘feel’, you’ll probably be able to feel those early ‘flutters’ sooner.

So just how early can you feel baby flutters?

Can a 7 week fetus move?

What’s the earliest point when can you feel the baby move?

Well, technically, baby can start moving as early as 7 weeks, but whether you’ll be able to feel those micro-movements is another story!

Can I feel flutters at 8 weeks pregnant?

It’s not likely you’ll feel baby moving at 8 weeks pregnant ‒ they might well be moving, but they’re so teeny at this point (about the size of a raspberry) that you probably won’t feel those little flutters.

It’s even less likely you’ll feel twins moving at 8 weeks ‒ while you’ve got twice the movements to feel, they may be a little smaller than single 8-week-old fetuses.

So your twin babies’ first moves could just feel like hunger or gas.

Why do I feel flutters in my stomach at 9 weeks pregnant?

Could stomach flutters at 9 weeks actually be baby’s first moves?


It can be hard to distinguish between baby flutters and gas at 9 weeks, so don’t worry if you can’t tell the difference!

Why do I feel movement in my stomach at 10 weeks pregnant?

Movement in your stomach at 10 weeks could be baby’s first moves!

But as with previous weeks, it can be hard to tell whether it’s baby movement or typical tummy grumbles.

Can 11 weeks fetus move?

Can you feel baby move at 11 weeks? Yes, you might be able to, although it’s not too likely you’ll notice.

Baby’s about the size of a strawberry right now, so you may be able to feel those tiny flutters.

Can you feel baby move at 12 weeks?

At 12 weeks, baby may still be too small to feel them move, even if they are.

Can you feel baby move at 13 weeks?

Maybe! At 13 weeks, baby is roughly the size of a lemon or a peach, with newly-formed arms and legs, which you may be able to feel moving.

But if you don’t, it’s nothing to worry about ‒ they may be moving, but you might not be able to feel them.

Is it too early to feel my baby move at 14 weeks?

Not necessarily ‒ baby may well be moving at 14 weeks, but you may not be able to tell the difference between normal bubbles of digestion and baby’s first little flutters.

When can you feel baby move from outside?

Let’s take a look at when can you feel baby kick from outside.

One of the small joys of pregnancy is sharing the tiny kicks with your partner, family, and friends.

You’re with your baby 24/7, so it’s only natural that you feel a connection early on.

But for everyone else, seeing your pregnant belly moving makes things real.

(“Hey! There’s a baby in there!”)

So when can others feel the baby move?

Typically, if someone places their hand on your belly — and, it goes without saying, they should always ask first — then they may feel movement from around week 20.

As your baby grows, you won’t just feel the kicks, but you can see them, too. It can look like a little ball rolling over the inside of your tummy. Weird!

From around week 25, your baby will start responding to familiar voices, so make sure you and your partner are chatting away to your bump.

You might get a prod, kick, or an early fist bump in response.

What do early baby movements feel like?

Most mamas on Peanut describe the baby’s first moves as similar to the butterflies you get when you’re nervous.

Others say it’s a bit like a wave, a tumbling sensation, or like there’s a fish swimming around in your belly.

In the early days, it can be tough to distinguish between actual fetal movement and gas bubbles or hunger pangs.

But over time, the feelings become stronger and more distinct, and you’ll soon notice every elbow, knee, kick, jab, and stretch.

Occasionally, you may even feel little rhythmic twitches or pulses.

Don’t be alarmed if you do – chances are, your baby has (fetal) hiccups!

Where do you feel baby flutters?

Most of our mamas on Peanut say they feel baby’s first moves just below their belly button.

But if you’re thinking ‘I feel my baby kicking very low’ or ‘I feel baby kicking high’, that can be totally normal, too.

Every pregnancy and every baby is different, and baby can move a little in the womb, so you might feel flutters all over the place!

Do baby kicks hurt?

Not usually, but every now and then, as baby gets bigger, you may feel some discomfort or a little pain when baby kicks.

But if you feel severe pain or if the pain doesn’t go away when baby stops moving, check in with your doctor.

How often should you feel baby movement?

Although you’ll probably feel a few small and occasional flutters from around week 16 (or week 13 if this is your second pregnancy), as your baby develops, you’ll notice that the movement becomes more frequent.

By the time you reach the third trimester, your baby has grown in size and strength.

They can move around 30 times an hour, and some of those kicks can cause you to flinch.


So what counts as an active baby in womb?

Interestingly, you’ll probably experience baby movement at certain times throughout the day — and (annoyingly for you) they’re often most active when you’re trying to sleep.

Yep, they start keeping you up at night even before they’re born.

And towards the end of your pregnancy, there’s less room for them to maneuver, so the type of movement you feel will probably change.

Most mamas describe it as a more forceful pressing or squirming sensation at this stage.

Who kicks more in womb: boy or girl?

It’s a bit of an old wives’ tale, but the saying goes that a very active baby in womb means you could be expecting a baby boy!

However, studies have shown that baby girls can be just as active as baby boys in the womb, so the only way to know baby’s sex is to look at an ultrasound.

If a baby moves a lot, what does it mean?

If you notice increased fetal movement and baby kicking a lot, that can just mean that they’re growing as they should.

As baby gets bigger, you may see your pregnant belly moving more often and more obviously ‒ fetal movement at 38 weeks can be pretty active!

Do babies kick while sleeping in the womb?

Yes, sometimes (but not always), you may notice baby kicking occasionally in the womb while they’re asleep.

But often, when baby doesn’t kick or move for a while, they’re likely in a deep sleep.

If you’re worried that baby’s moving too much or not enough, speak with your doctor.

How to get baby to move

If you’ve noticed that baby hasn’t moved for a little while when they normally would, there are ways you can try encouraging baby to move in womb:

  • Eat or drink something: Boosting your blood sugar can give baby a little extra energy to get moving.
  • Play some music, sing, or talk to baby: Your baby might respond to sounds and music, especially your voice.
  • Change position: Whatever you’re doing, whether you’re sitting, lying, or standing up, try switching positions.
  • Give them a gentle poke: Gentle is the key word here. If you feel them resting up against your baby bump, put a little pressure there to see if they respond.

When to go to hospital for decreased fetal movement

If you’re worried about baby not moving, even after encouragement, now’s the time to call doctor for decreased fetal movement.

If you notice that baby hasn’t moved for a while, it’s recommended to start counting their kicks or movements ‒ if they kick less than 5 times in an hour, it can be a good idea to call your doctor.

When will I feel my baby move?

So ultimately, when can you feel your baby move?

Everyone’s different, so if you don’t feel baby’s first moves around week 16, don’t fret.

It could be until week 24 before you notice anything.

If you’re ever concerned about a lack of movement, remember, it doesn’t mean that something’s wrong.

Maybe baby’s sleeping or hungry. Have a snack and see if that prompts anything.

And if you’re still worried, talk to your doctor.

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