When Do Babies Start Teething? Babys First Tooth

When Do Babies Start Teething? Babys First Tooth

When do babies start teething? If you think baby’s first tooth is coming in, here’s all you need to know about the stages of teething and how you can help ease baby’s discomfort.
In this article: 📝

  • What age do babies start teething?
  • What order do baby teeth come in?
  • How do I know when my baby’s teething?
  • When do baby teeth come in?
  • How to manage baby’s first tooth coming in

What age do babies start teething?

When do baby teeth come in? Well, like pretty much all things baby-related, it depends.

In some rare cases, babies are born with teeth. (Yes, it’s true!)

Other babies don’t get their first teeth until they’re over a year old.

But usually, you’ll notice baby’s first tooth coming in around somewhere in between.

Around 6 months is a pretty good average, although it can happen a little sooner, or later.

If your newborn’s acting fussy, and you’re wondering, ‘when do babies start teething? 2 months? 3 months?’, well, it’s possible for baby to be teething this early, but pretty uncommon.

In short, we can’t say for sure when baby’s first tooth will come in.

But let’s talk about all things teeth so we can find out the answer to ‘when do babies start teething?’.

What order do baby teeth come in?

First, if you’re wondering ‘when do baby teeth come in?’, it’s worth noting that they don’t all come in at once.

Teething can take a long time, and you may see baby’s first tooth coming in and not get another one for several weeks.

They might start teething at 6 months, but those teeth will keep coming through your baby’s second year and probably beyond.

The first teeth to come in will probably be the bottom front teeth (the incisors), followed by the top incisors.

Then, in the next few months, you’re likely to see the top lateral incisors (on the side of the first ones) and the same on the bottom.

Finally, it’s the canines and the molars coming in.

If any teeth will be more painful, it’s likely to be the canines and molars.

🔎 Dig deeper: How Long Does Teething Last?

What stage of teething hurts the most?

There are five stages of teething in babies and toddlers, and some are more painful than others, so let’s take a look at the teething timeline:

  • Stage 1 (5-12 months): This is when baby’s first teeth, their incisor front teeth at the top and bottom, will start coming in.
  • Stage 2 (9-16 months): The next stage of teething will see their next set of incisors, next to their front teeth, making their appearance.
  • Stage 3 (12-19 months): Here’s where it can get more painful for baby ‒ with their first molar teeth coming in, around the middle of their gums.
  • Stage 4 (16-23 months): More canines for these next stages of teething, as baby’s ‘pointy’ teeth start to peek through.
  • Stage 5 (20-33 months): Finally, the molars at the back of their mouth will pop up to say ‘hello’. This can also be one of the more painful stages of teething.

Is the first tooth the most painful?

You might think, from seeing baby’s teething buds for the first time, that this is the most painful part of teething.

Actually, it’s more likely to be their molars coming in during toddlerhood that can get the most ‘ouchies’ from your little one.

When do toddlers get molars?

Think you spy some teeny tiny molars coming in?

Well, if your little one is teething at 2 years, it’s probably because of their molars, which start coming in from around 12 months to around 33 months.

How do I know when my baby’s teething?

The truth is, the symptoms of teething change from baby to baby.

While some might feel a bit of pain – and may wake during the night – others can cruise through it without batting an eyelid.

You’ll know your baby better than anyone.

What are the first signs of teething?

Here are some teething signs to look out for:

  • Sore and red baby gums before teeth erupt.
  • You may see some teeny tiny teething buds just before the teeth properly come in.
  • A red cheek on the side where the tooth is emerging ‒ red cheeks might look adorable, but they can also be a sign of something else.
  • A slight fever ‒ and we mean slight. If baby has a fever of around 100.4°F (basically, they’re running a little hot), it could be due to teething. If their fever is 102.2°F or more, then get them to a doctor, just in case.
  • Dribbling and drooling. Their bib or shirt can get a bit soggy, and the leaky mouth can give them a teething rash on the chin.
  • A bit of a cough caused by the extra drool (lovely). But if baby’s cough is persistent, or more than a tickly throat, it may be worth having a chat with your doctor.
  • Diarrhea, also brought on by the excess drool. Yup. Along with everything else, you may have baby diarrhea and poop to contend with.
  • A little vomiting, again, thanks to the extra teething drool. But a lot of vomiting during teething isn’t all that common, so if baby is vomiting regularly or vomiting a lot, it’s more likely to be something else.
  • Signs of discomfort. Your little one might be a bit more agitated or irritable than usual.
  • Rubbing their face or ear. All those nerves in that area are connected, so a toothache can feel like an earache. (If your little one gives their ear a lot of attention, it could be an ear infection, too. Check with your doctor to make sure.)
  • Is baby chewing a sign of teething? It can be. It may even be the first sign. Gnawing and biting things helps to relieve the pressure of the tooth poking through the gum. So, they are likely to be chomping on anything that they can find.
  • Waking during the night can be a teething symptom too. However, this may also be happening for other reasons.

How long does it take for a tooth to break through the gums?

Okay, so let’s look at the stages of tooth eruption ‒ not just the whole teething timeline.

The stages of tooth eruption depend on the type of tooth.

Most incisors and canines will erupt in about 4-8 days, including before you see those teething buds.

So when teething molars, how long does it last? It can take a little longer to see molars coming in, usually about 6-9 days.

When do baby teeth come in?

Baby’s first teeth will come in between 6-12 months, usually the tip or bottom front teeth, as teeth tend to pop up in pairs.

Can a 2-month-old be teething?

It’s pretty uncommon, but, yes there have been cases of babies teething at 2 months old ‒ or even having teeth from birth!

While a lot of baby teething symptoms can be hard to distinguish from things like colic or gas, keep an eye out for them putting things in their mouth or chewing ‒ that’s one of the telltale signs of teething.

Can a 10-week-old be teething?

Yes, your 10-week-old baby might just be teething, although it’s quite rare.

If you think baby’s teething, try our top teething remedies and be on the lookout for any teething buds cropping up on baby’s gums.

Can my baby be teething at 3 months?

Yep, some babies do start teething as early as 3 months, although it can be hard to tell at this age.

You’ll know in about 4 days from the start of their teething symptoms, as that’s when their teething buds are likely to start to come in.

When to worry about baby teeth not coming in

While some babies start teething at 2 months, others might not have any teeth for quite a few months after that.

Every baby is different, so if your baby starts teething at 12 months, that’s totally fine ‒ it’s normal for them.

But if baby doesn’t have any teething buds or teething symptoms by around 18 months old, it can be worth visiting your doctor or dentist, just in case.

How to manage baby’s first tooth coming in

If your little one is struggling with the pain of baby’s first tooth, there are a few things you can try.

  • Give them something to chew on. You can try teething toys, teething foods (if they’re old enough), or even a chilled wet washcloth. But stay away from big chunks of raw carrots or apples, which can be a choking hazard.
  • Wipe up their dribble. A drool-covered chin isn’t just messy – it can give your baby a rash. Try to gently wipe off the drool with a soft cloth as often as you can.
  • Play! Often distraction is the best way through a bit of pain. Comforting or playing with your baby can help.
  • Get them to a dentist. When teeth appear, it’s time for baby’s first dentist visit.
  • Brush, brush, brush! When to start brushing baby teeth? As soon as the first one peeks through! Use a soft baby toothbrush with the tiniest smear of baby toothpaste.

So when do babies start teething? Whenever they’re ready, but usually between 6-12 months.

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