When Do Girls Stop Growing? Height, Puberty & Brain Development

When Do Girls Stop Growing? Height, Puberty & Brain Development

When do girls stop growing? Short answer? It depends. Find out how puberty affects growth, average height, and breast development.
Parenthood gives birth to questions and concerns — especially as children enter the path to adulthood.

And one of the biggest question marks for parents is about their children’s physical growth.

If you’re the parent or guardian of a daughter, for example, you may wonder: when do girls stop growing?

Well, it depends.

In this article: 📝

  • When do girls stop growing?
  • At what age does a girl grow the most?
  • Is it true girls stop growing after their period?
  • When do girls stop growing in height?
  • What is the normal height of a girl?
  • When do breasts stop growing?
  • How you can help your growing girl

When do girls stop growing?

Typically, girls stop growing at age 14 or 15.

Learn more about why it’s not always as simple as that, what you can expect, and when to get in touch with your pediatrician.

Ultimately, there are two milestones that determine when a girl will stop growing: the start of puberty and her first period.

It’s useful to understand how these two “moments” are connected with growth.

Typical puberty starts sometime between the ages of 8 and 14.

Do girls grow until 18?

Not often, no.

Most girls stop growing in height at about 14 or 15, but it depends on when puberty ends for them individually.

So while girls will be considered adults at the age of 18, they will have already reached their adult height a few years before then.

At what age does a girl grow the most?

During puberty, children’s bodies start shaping into their adult version, and there will be some (sometimes significant) growth spurts.

Around the age of 11 is when most girls are expected to grow the fastest, but that varies.

Along with height and other developments, girls’ feet will also see rapid growth during puberty, stopping around the age of 14 or so.

It’s possible, though, to change foot sizes well into adulthood.

Is it true girls stop growing after their period?

So, when you get your period, do you stop growing?

Generally speaking, no.

The first period (also called menarche )usually comes around two or so years after the start of puberty (a bit earlier or a bit later is normal, too).

The average age for a first period is about 12 and a half years old.

So it’s worth having a chat with your daughter before this, so they’re not worried ‒ after all, it can be a stressful time for any girl growing up.

Height growth doesn’t stop completely then, but it will begin to slow down.

Usually, for the next two years after their first period, many girls will grow one or two inches – but studies have suggested that girls who have their period at around 10 years will grow an average of four more inches before they reach their adult height.

The truth is, there are some general patterns that girl growth spurts follow, but everyone is different.

Genetics, nutrition, medications, chronic illnesses, and other medical conditions all matter.

You can ask your child’s doctor if there are factors that can stunt her growth.

When do girls stop puberty?

Usually, puberty for girls stops at about age 15, on average.

This is also around the time that they stop growing in height.

But it can change from person to person ‒ after all, this is an average, not an exact deadline!

When do girls stop growing in height?

Girls (and boys) are usually done with height growth when they enter adulthood, typically at about 15 years old.

That’s because growth plates (areas of cartilage at the end of long bones) close at around the end of puberty.

A girl can appear taller, though, by improving posture and stretching.

Nutrition that helps make bones healthier (e.g. vitamin D and calcium) is also important for both children and adults.

What is the normal height of a girl?

So how tall can a girl become, exactly?

There’s no way to predict someone’s exact height, but you could get an estimate based on the height of parents.

This method is known as the mid-parental height calculation.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the average height of women in the U.S. is 5 feet 3.5 inches (63.5 inches).

Based on their chart, a girl of 12 years will be around 59 inches, and around 62 inches at 13 (based on the 50th percentile).

Global averages for humans tend to increase with time, though.

When do breasts stop growing?

Breasts grow in stages, from infancy to adulthood.

The so-called “breast buds” start developing around two to two-and-a-half years before a girl’s first period – and they’re one of the earliest signs of puberty.

This part of a girl’s body continues to develop for years.

For many girls, breasts will reach “adult” size at around 15 years.

In adulthood, size and shape can change or mature based on factors like weight, fitness level, pregnancy, aging, and more.

Of course, if there are problems with breast development, girls may need medical attention or psychological support.

How you can help your growing girl

Questions like “when do girls stop growing in height” are very natural to wonder about.

But, no matter what height a child ends up with, it’s important to build up their confidence and prevent their height, weight, or general physical growth from being tied to their self-worth.

If you’re concerned about your child’s body image, it may be good to speak with a therapist for advice.

Also, if there are signs of early puberty (e.g. before the age of eight) or delayed puberty (e.g. no period or breast development at 15-16 years), a girl should consult her pediatrician.

They may do some tests, take a medical history, and sometimes refer her to an OB-GYN or endocrinologist.

And of course, if your daughter is still growing, pay close attention to nutrition.

Ensure she gets the right amount of vitamins, calcium, protein, and other nutrients, and cut back on saturated fats, sugar, and other unhealthy food.

A balanced diet (as well as being physically active) is a way to help girls reach their full growth potential.

So there you have it ‒ all there is to know about when girls stop growing.

Got a baby boy who’s a growing lad? Then check out our guide on When Do Boys Stop Growing?

If you’re at all worried about your little one’s growth, it’s best to speak with your doctor, but if you just want someone to talk to about what to expect through growth spurts and puberty, why not ask our moms of Peanut?

Chances are, someone’s been where you are right now.

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