Why Did My Period Come Early? 10 Possible Reasons

Why Did My Period Come Early? 10 Possible Reasons


Your period has come early, and you’re unprepared.

Now you have to ask the only other person in the gym bathroom if they can help.

We’ve all been there—and it’s not only annoying but can also be unnerving.

Ok. Take a deep breath. If you’re wondering, why did my period come early? we’ve got you covered.

Here are ten reasons Aunty Flo may have shown up before you expected her.

And before we get going, while an early period is often nothing to worry about, if you are experiencing other uncomfortable symptoms, it’s a good idea to check in with a healthcare professional.

You don’t have to struggle through this alone.

With that in mind, let’s dive in.

In this article: 📝

  • What can cause your period to come early?
  • Early periods: the bottom line

What can cause your period to come early?

There are quite a few reasons why our periods may come early.

It may be nothing to worry about, especially if it’s a once-off.

But in some situations, it can signal that something else is up.

Here’s what may be happening:

1. Changes to routine

When our lives get disrupted, our periods can, too.

Our hormones perform a very specific dance during our cycles. And changing our rhythms can shift things off-kilter.

Travel, sudden weight changes, and excessive exercise can all cause our hormones to fluctuate.

Something as simple as shifts in your sleep patterns could also throw things off.

All these changes to our routine can affect different hormones and mess with our usual timing.

2. Stress

Stress brings with it a whole lot of chemical changes that can interrupt the hormonal pathways in our bodies.

Cortisol, the stress hormone, has a complicated relationship to the menstrual cycle.

Increased cortisol can lead to irregular or painful periods or even stop your period from coming.

3. Puberty

If you’ve just started menstruating, and you’re asking, why is my period early?

Chances are, things just haven’t quite worked themselves out yet.

Periods can take about six years from menarche (first period) to settle and become regular.

A “normal” cycle can last anything from 24 to 38 days, so try not to stress too much about it.

Give your body a little extra time to settle into this new chapter.

4. Perimenopause

Irregular periods can also be caused by perimenopause.

This is the time, usually during your 40s, in which estrogen production begins to slow down.

And before it drops completely, it may rise and fall irregularly, which can impact the length of your cycle.

If perimenopause symptoms are giving you a hard time, chat to your doctor about how to help manage them.

And we also have a whole Peanut community to support you.

You don’t have to do this alone.

5. S.T.I.s

Firstly, no shame.

The CDC estimates that 20% of people are living with S.T.I.s.

And some infections like gonorrhea and chlamydia.) can cause spotting or vaginal bleeding.

If other symptoms accompany irregular bleeding, visit your doctor ASAP.

Here’s what to look out for:

  • Abnormal looking or smelling discharge
  • Painful burning urination
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pain during sex

6. Hormonal birth control

Spotting and cycle changes are common side effects in the first few months of using hormonal birth control, like the pill, IUDs, and Depo-Provera.

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, birth control can cause anything from irregular spotting to heavier bleeding.

It tends to happen more with lower-dose birth control methods and is usually nothing to worry about.

If your current method of birth control is not working for you, check in with your doctor.

There are so many different options available—you don’t have to struggle with a method that doesn’t feel like a good fit.

Early bleeding can also happen if you switch one form of birth control to another, as our bodies sometimes need some time to adjust.

If you’re taking the combined hormone pill and skip a few doses, this may trigger an earlier period.

If you’re not trying to conceive, it’s a good idea to use backup contraception for now.

7. Endometriosis

Endometriosis affects about 11% of people with uteruses.

It’s a condition where tissue similar to that of the uterus grows outside where it should.

It can be extremely painful, and cause heavy irregular periods, spotting mid-cycle, and fertility issues.

If you have endometriosis and are trying to conceive, you can join our support group on Peanut here.

8. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects about 1 in 10 women.

PCOS symptoms include excess facial hair, weight gain, irregular or missed periods, and acne.

It can also cause fertility difficulties.

Read on here for our guidance on trying to fall pregnant with PCOS.

9. Implantation bleeding

Implantation bleeding is a light amount of spotting that occurs ten to fourteen days after ovulation and can signal the beginning of a pregnancy.

If you’ve been trying to fall pregnant or recently had unprotected sex, it may be a good idea to consider a pregnancy test.

10. Other health conditions

Very rarely, irregular periods or spotting can result from diabetes or thyroid issues.

But an early period alone is not cause for concern, as these conditions generally come with other symptoms too.

If you suspect diabetes or thyroid conditions could be a risk for you, chat with your doctor.

Early periods: the bottom line

An early period is generally nothing to worry about when it happens as a once-off.

Our bodies sometimes do weird (and wonderful) things.

If you find yourself struggling with irregular periods or other symptoms, it’s best to check in with your doctor.

And chat with your Peanut community if you need support.

The one thing that’s for sure is that we don’t have to do this alone.

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