Chinese Gender Predictor Chart

 is a creator on Peanut
Medically reviewed byNavya Muralidhar, Embryologist
Try our Peanut Chinese Gender Predictor calculator to see what your future bundle of joy will be!
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Dying to know if it's pink or blue balloons?

We've all been there, frantically searching for clues everywhere we can — but what about the mysterious Chinese baby gender predictor?

What is a Chinese gender predictor chart?

Chinese gender predictors use a chart method to determine your babe’s sex.

This method of determining baby’s sex uses your lunar age when you conceived and the month you conceived to tell you whether there’s a boy or girl on the way.

Who made the Chinese gender predictor?

Historically speaking, we’re not sure where the Chinese gender predictor chart came from, which is the basis of our gender calculator.

Some sources claim it’s 700 years old, recovered from a royal tomb, and others suggest it dates back to the 1700s, to ensure a royal line of boys in the Qing dynasty.

But (and it’s a big but), as it turns out, its origins aren’t from China at all!

We’ve done the legwork, and the words “Chinese gender predictor” weren’t used until the 1980s.

Don’t worry, there’s still some mystery and myth around the Chinese lunar calendar gender predictor — we don’t actually know where it came from at all… 👀

And even with its origins shrouded in mystery, the Chinese gender predictor still remains a beloved tool among expecting parents.

How does Chinese gender predictor work?

Using the Chinese gender predictor calculator is super easy.

Simply enter your month of baby’s conception, and enter your age when you conceived, then click ‘Boy or girl?’ to generate your result.

Some of our Peanut moms-to-be say that you need to use your Chinese lunar age, which is 2 years older than your current age if the Chinese New Year has passed this year, or 1 year older if it hasn’t.

(To save you the search, Chinese New Year in 2024 was on February 10th and will be on January 29th in 2025. It typically falls around January or February every year)

So try with both methods to see which one is more accurate for you!

Using the ancient Chinese lunar calendar chart, our calculator will tell you whether you can expect a baby boy or a baby girl — but take your result with a pinch of salt!

How accurate is the Chinese gender predictor?

Chinese gender predictor: fun guessing game or reliable tool?

Well, according to a study by the University of Michigan School of Public Health, who did the work and reviewed the records of 2.8 million births in Sweden between 1973 and 2006, the Chinese baby gender predictor method is 50% accurate.

So it’s about as reliable as flipping a coin to determine your babe’s sex.

Safe to say, it’s not a definite sex predictor of your baby, but at least it can calculate your baby’s sex at any point in your pregnancy.

But if you want an accurate way to predict your baby’s sex, you’re better off waiting until your second-trimester ultrasound.

🩷💙 Am I Having A Boy or A Girl? Tests for Baby’s Sex

How often is the Chinese gender predictor right?

According to the University of Michigan, the Chinese gender predictor chart is accurate about 50% of the time.

Why? Because there are two options in this method of determining gender: boy or girl.

Other sources claim that the Chinese lunar calendar gender predictor is accurate 90% of the time, but they don’t show any studies to support their claims.🤷‍♀️

The difference between gender and sex

While we often use phrases like “gender predictor” and “gender reveal”, what we’re actually talking about is the sex of your baby.

The World Health Organization defines gender as “the socially constructed characteristics of women and men”, whereas sex is the “biological and physiological characteristics of males and females”.

So why have we used the word “gender” when we mean “sex” in this baby sex predictor?

Well, to help you find it, pure and simple — that’s the commonly used phrase to describe the Chinese lunar sex predictor chart.

After all, our collective language and understanding about sex and gender is constantly evolving, and we’re doing all we can to keep up the pace.🏃‍♀️

🎉 Any excuse for a party: Gender Reveal Ideas: Explosions, Cakes, and More

Should I use the Chinese gender predictor?

It’s entirely up to you, mama-to-be — it’s a bit of pregnancy fun ‘n’ games, so why not?

There’s no harm in using this, or any other fun “boy or girl?” tests.

Just bear in mind that it’s not always accurate, so don’t put all your eggs in this basket.

Chinese baby gender predictor chart reviews

Here’s what our Peanut moms-to-be had to say about the Chinese gender predictor:

  • “Yeah, not true. Says I’m having a boy and I’m not, it’s a girl.” — Kirsty
  • “It's TRUE for me! Said I'd have a boy and it is — don’t know how much stock I'd place in it, but I had fun looking at these.” — Sara
  • “It was wrong for my due date of November, but correct for my actual birth in December. They must have known I would be late! 😂” — Emma
  • “Right for both, girl with my first now I’m having a boy!” — Rachael
  • “It was right both times for me! Two girls!” — Alyson
  • “It's been wrong for all my 3. 😂” — Aoife
  • “It is correct for my first 2… wonder if it’ll be correct for this third one. 🧐” — Katelyn
  • “Wrong for both my children... these old wives tales always have big rates of success because the probability of them being correct is 50/50. There’s only two options after all.” — Sydney
  • “It said my first would be a girl, it was a boy. My second would be a boy, that one was right but that my third, which I'm pregnant with now, would be a boy but it’s a girl.” — Lauren
  • “For me it was wrong. But it’s a just for fun chart to daydream n consider names for either possibility.” — Andrea
  • “Chinese calendar worked for me. Said girl. Found out 2 days ago that I’m having a girl! 🥰🥰” — Chloe