Peanut Guest Blog Guidelines

Peanut Blog Guidelines

Thank you for contributing to Peanut! 🥜

We’re on a mission to empower women to make informed decisions about their health and well-being at every life stage.

And that includes providing a safe space for women to connect, share stories, listen, and offer valuable advice.

The Peanut blog is no different.

Partnering with experts, writers, and real moms with unique perspectives, we publish all kinds of articles, guides, and personal stories daily.

And we cover everything from trying to conceive to pregnancy symptoms, periods to PCOS, motherhood to menopause—and everything in-between.

We’re talking the raw (read: relatable) experiences that help our diverse community feel seen.

Ready to spark a conversation?

Here are some guidelines and recommendations for each piece of unique content you choose to submit.

In this article: 📝

  • Who do we write for?
  • Peanut blog themes and topics
  • Guest Post Writing Guidelines
  • Additional requirements
  • The guest writing process

Who do we write for?

Our audience is a growing international community of over 3 million women across different life stages. 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏾👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻

And they don’t shy away from reality—motherhood is tough AF, and so is TTC and menopause.

Think of a first-time mom battling wake windows or a woman trying to discern her perimenopause symptoms from PMS.

Our blog is for anyone looking for actionable advice and tips on fertility, pregnancy, motherhood, menopause, mental health, and women’s health more generally.

Peanut blog themes and topics

Here’s the type of content we write on a daily basis:

  • Pregnancy
  • Motherhood and parenting
  • Fertility treatments
  • LGBTQIA+ fertility, pregnancy, and parenting experiences
  • Women’s health stories (PCOS, periods, and periods, to name a few)
  • Menopause
  • Trying to conceive (including fertility treatments such as IVF and IUI)
  • Surrogacy, adoption, and fostering
  • Sex and relationships
  • Mental health, well-being, and self-care
  • Neurodivergent and disabled perspectives of fertility, pregnancy, motherhood, and menopause
  • Mom guilt and mom anxiety
  • Making friends as a mom
  • Pregnancy loss
  • Breastfeeding, pumping, formula, weaning, and baby/toddler feeding
  • Labor and birth (including home births, water births, induced labor, and C-sections)
  • Postpartum life

Believe us, this list is not exhaustive! If you have a fresh take or a unique perspective related to these themes, we’d love to hear it! 🎤

Guest Post Writing Guidelines

The focus of our blog is to inform, engage, and spark conversation—not self-promote.

We want our readers to feel empowered, to advocate for themselves, and make decisions that improve their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

It’s why we take our medical review process seriously. 👩‍⚕️

If your content resonates, believe us, our readers will connect with you all on their own. 🕵️‍♀️

Ready to get started?

Here are a few pointers to get pen to paper — or, well, fingers to keyboards:

Word length is between 600 to 1500+ words

Keep your article within this sweet spot, and you’ll fit in nicely with the rest of our blog.

We’re not able to accept articles that have already been written at this stage, so it’s best to have a chat with us about your topic first.

Give credit where it’s due

We all take inspiration from everywhere, and that’s great!

But if an idea is not your own (or you’ve referenced someone else’s), give them credit for their work.

And name your sources!

If you want to drop some stats, make sure to back them up.

Break up your content (so it’s easy to read)

Space out your sentences, include headings and subheadings and don’t shy away from bullet lists.

We want easy readability that allows all our readers to process your wise words easily.

Write as if you’re talking to your best friend (but try to keep it clean!).

We’re not an authoritative brand, we’re relatable.

It helps to write to a specific person, so pick a BFF, a family member, a partner (in crime…), or even someone who would be part of the Peanut Community and just talk directly to them.

And don’t be afraid to be witty and playful. 😉

Just not too spicy… 🌶

No reposts

We won’t accept content that’s been published elsewhere — we’re all about that originality.

And as for plagiarism… that’s a hard pass.

Be real

Your experiences matter.

We invite you to be as vulnerable or as forthcoming as you feel comfortable doing so.

First-hand experience is sometimes the greatest expertise.

Which reminds us…

Show off your expertise!

If you’re an expert in your field or have a business that’s related to your chosen topic (and you have the chops to back it up), tell us all about it. 📢

We’ll include it all in your snazzy Peanut bio. 😏

You could even join our medical review panel and help us keep our content informative and accurate—just ask Team Peanut for more info.

Additional requirements

A few more pointers for getting your content published flawlessly:

  • Use hi-res images (PNGs or JPGs) and videos, and please send these over separately.
  • Use well-sourced facts, figures, and data where possible or relevant. The numbers don’t lie!
  • We’re all for backlinks to relevant content (especially if you can link in some of ours). Just make sure they’re useful for the reader, fit the context, and are spammy-free.

The guest writing process

Some info for the writing process ahead:

  • Don’t start writing until we’ve agreed on a topic and title. Once we’ve given the green light, you can let us know a deadline that works for you.
  • Send your draft via Google Docs with editor access so we can add any comments or edits if needed.
  • Team Peanut will read through and edit your post to make sure we get as many eyes on it as possible—and to make sure it reads well. There may be some changes (we’ve all been there), but we will honor your voice and story throughout.
  • As we get to work putting to the final touches to your piece, we’ll send you a bio template to fill out where you can include your LinkedIn, social, and website links.
  • Disclaimer: Once you’ve sent your article to Peanut, in any format, including any text, images, graphics, or video, you’re agreeing to allow us to publish and distribute it to our audience via our websites, social media platforms, and other third-party media platforms.

We’ll let you know the moment we’ve published your blog post so you can let everyone know your words of wisdom are live on the Peanut blog! 🎉🍾🙌🥳

Excited to start writing?

Let’s do it! 🖊