C in Groups
If I made a messenger or # Messeges for Moms Due in July who would be interested, we can ask each other for advice, make mom friends etc.
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C in Groups
If I made a messenger or # Messeges for Moms Due in July who would be interested, we can ask each other for advice, make mom friends etc.
L in Morning sickness
I’m currently 13w1d and I’m having trouble keeping down liquids the medicine my doctors gave me for nausea doesn’t seem to work anymore any advice?
G in Other
My gender reveal starts in about 2 hours & I'm SO excited! I still have to eat breakfast & shower (that's gonna suck, I'm gonna be so nauseous 🤢), but I can't wait. I just hope everyone gets here on time & everything goes well, I really can't wait to find out my little one's gender. My fiancé has been so sweet & hel...
D in Other
15w5d and not sure if I am starting to feel the baby moving or if something else. I get little tickle feeling below my belly button every 10 min or so. Has anyone noticed any signs of movement so far?
G in Other
Hey all! I just wanted to see others experience with the healing process whether you had a medicated or unmedicated birth? My first birth healing was MISERABLE and I just wanted to see other’s experiences!