C in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester
Girl or boy!? 🥰
13weeks if anyone does the nub/skull theory, or just fun guesses! 🥰 already have 2 boys!
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C in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester
13weeks if anyone does the nub/skull theory, or just fun guesses! 🥰 already have 2 boys!
Incognito in Other
What do we think? Sorry it’s a bit of a blur! The sonographer said ‘I think I know what you’re having’ so I immediately thought BOY (perhaps she saw something?!) but interested to know what you think based off skull theory.
S in Pregnancy symptoms
I’ve literally had a punnet of strawberries a day and sometimes crave oranges and loving red grape shloer too 😂 hating all cooked and hot food.. specially meat 🤢… does that indicate girl or boy🤔 xx
Incognito in Sleep & tiredness
I’m 12 weeks pregnant got my nhs scan on Monday. I just constantly feel really down and no motivation and I’m feeling guilty as this should be a happy time. I am super happy I’m pregnant as we had a miscarriage last April but just can’t shake the feeling of being down and lonely things like that.
C in Other
Who else is pregnant with 0 symptoms, I don’t even feel pregnant sometimes I even forget 🤣