2018 Kids 🇺🇸

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2018 Kids 🇺🇸

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T in Other

Group chat

Is anyone interested in a iMessage mommy group chat????

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4 likes,12 comments

C in Family


I need help with two things lol I’m new to the area so one, someone that can do hair well :) and two, friends for my husband. He started off doing great here but I see him slipping into a bit of a depression and I would really appreciate it & see it as an act from god if anyone has a hubby who would be willing to ha...

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A in Making friends

Need people just to text or snap with

I just need a friend who will text and snap with me. I'm going through a lot, and just need a friend to talk to, doesn't even have to be about my problems. Just someone to talk to about our days.

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6 likes,14 comments

T in Other

Group chat

Hey, Does anyone wanna be in a mommy group chat??

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9 likes,21 comments

Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Raising a 6-year-old girl by yourself

So my daughter's father left us a year ago, and my daughter 3 years ago, she's starting to hit herself in daycare, but they tell me it'll change when she starts school. But it has not stopped she's been hitting herself or others she has like a sensory issue she doesn't like tights or long sleeves or something bother...

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