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S in Childcare

Is LVAC worth it?

I’m considering joining LVAC because they have a childcare room! It’s $40 a month if you purchase the membership including childcare. Is it worth it? Do your kids seem happy/ well taken care of when you pick them up? I’m a little nervous since my daughter has only ever been to a childcare area in our church!

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Incognito in Other

Why Do Moms Drop Convos?

Spoken to a lot of moms on this app and in other groups.... Once you get past hello, people stop responding. Is this a me problem, or do other moms experience this?

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Making friends

Friends ! ✝️

In search of faith based friends ! ☺️

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Incognito in Making friends

Question on interview follow-up?

I had an interview last Thursday at one of the casinos in Vegas for Starbucks. I already work in a different department there so the manager didn’t end up interviewing me we just talked and she basically said I have the job just need to look out for an email and also gave me her number and told me to text her if I d...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

R in Activities for kids

Mommy and Me swing

Are there any parks around Vegas that have a mommy and me swing??

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