Incognito in Other
Does anyone have any good holistic pediatricians or ones that are good about delayed vaccinations?
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A supportive group and community for mamas in Dallas.
Incognito in Other
Does anyone have any good holistic pediatricians or ones that are good about delayed vaccinations?
A in Making friends
I’m moving back next month or early April and would love some mommy friends 🥳 I love a good night out and chill nights. My twins will be 2 in July and we would love to plan playdates ☺️. But I’m also looking for my own best friend🥹
V in Relationships
I would love to get a group together of lovely ladies and their little ones who are either single parents are just do not have plans this Valentine’s Day. No one should be alone this Valentine’s Day and kids can make that even harder. If you are interested, let me know! 💗🫶🏼
Incognito in Activities for kids
My sons prek class is doing a project where they have to create a vehicle that moves on water with household items .. im at a lost .. any ideas ?
K in Age gaps
Hello! Is anyone’s child in early headstart?