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Pregnancy & Motherhood

I realized there is no Pregnancy Groups for my LHV Mama's. I know the struggles and Joy's of Motherhood and what it's like to need other Mama's and support and Friendships! That's why I created this Group are you currently expecting or have a little feel free to join and be uplifted, encouraged,supported and loved by others Mama's!

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K in Pregnancy test results

I have a doctors appointment but I have no idea when I got pregnant

My period was June 9th and we didn’t have sex at all that month. But we had sex July 3rd and I wasn’t ovulating then I took a test 5 or 7 days later I was ovulating and missed my period. I have irregular periods from my second. But I know we definitely didn’t have sex in June. Then when I take the test the line is r...

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Incognito in Other

Are Bedside bassinets safe?

We just bought one and one of the sides comes down so you can place it right next to your bed. I’m second guessing it after seeing some comments made on tik tok about it not being safe sleep

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Incognito in Skin conditions

Ruddy/red skin

My newborn daughter is really red all the time like even when she’s not crying her body and face and head are red. Is that normal??

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Incognito in Work & money

Advice needed please no judgement

So my partner is in alot of debt. I also have a credit card for him to use. He now wants to get our loft boarded so he can use it to make a buisness ( we are in private rented) hes asked and applied for me to get a loan of £4500. I dont work as have 2 kids under 3. Ive been approved and he wants to use the loan m...

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Incognito in Other


So I ovulate on day 12 of my cycle it says on my Flo app . But me and SO had sex on day 14 can I still get pregnant? My cycle also varies some days I start on day 28th , 25th 26th it’s irregular.

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