Breastfeeding Mamas

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Breastfeeding Mamas

A group for breastfeeding mamas of past, present, and future. A safe place to ask questions, share experiences, and be supportive of others journeys. Pumping, supplementing, and donor milk feeding mamas also welcome.

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Is breastfeeding supposed to be painful?

I see some people say that it was really painful the first few weeks and after it was easier. Other people say it’s only painful if there’s a bad latch and that’s what needs to be fixed. I don’t know whether to continue trying despite the pain, even though I’ve had lactation consultations, in the hope that it become...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Correct flange size?

*Please disregard my cheap bobbly pumping bra 🙈* Does this 17mm flange look the correct size for me? I use the Spectra S1 to pump and get very little output so wondering whether the flange may be the incorrect size? I am new to pumping and inexperienced so no judgement please 🙏🏼 Thank you!

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

D in Breastfeeding

Problems latching properly

Hi moms! I just had my first baby 6 days ago. I attempted to exclusively breastfeed for the first 3 days but things didn’t go great. I never got him to latch properly so he wasn’t getting enough milk. Plus he destroyed my nipples. He lost quite a bit of weight since birth so I switched to expressing and supplement...

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P in Breastfeeding

Naturtint Permanent Hair Dye

Hello mamas! Anyone knows if this brand is safe while breastfeeding? xx

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S in Formula

Dairy intolerance

I started noticing small amounts of blood in my LO stool about a month and a half ago. They have always been really runny also. It’s not every time and it’s not much. I told her pediatrician and they ran some tests. They said she has a small dairy intolerance. The range is 0-40 and she’s 70. They said that’s not too...

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