Breastfeeding/Nursing & pumping Mamas

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Breastfeeding/Nursing & pumping Mamas

To help support all the mamas who are breastfeeding, nursing, pumping or all 3😊☺️ It can be hard. So this group is to support you mamas. PLEASE SHARE THIS GROUP WITH ANY FRIENDS OR FAMILY WHO MAY WANT TO JOIN. The more the merrier 💕

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Incognito in Formula

Formula to breast combi feeding

My girl is 1 week old today, I regret not trying to breastfeed and going straight to formula. Is it too late to start pumping and combi feeding? Any advice how to start offering breast milk? I am still leaking a lot.

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Breastfeeding

nipple shields

baby boy has a mild tongue tied and i don’t really plan on getting it release mainly cause his doctor said it won’t cause any future issues.. he latches fine however his latching sometimes hurt so i’m wanting to transition to nipple shields til my nipples can heal (i’m actively applying nipple balm and aquaphor) so ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Pumping

Pumping / Supply

I BF my daughter about every 2 hours. I have a decent over supply and would like to keep the over supply up. I try pumping 3 times a day 8a / 12p / 8p. Is that good or should I be pumping more ?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

B in Bottle feeding

Sterilizing pump parts

How do I properly sterilize my pump parts? How often should I do that?

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B in Breastfeeding

Colostrum/milk baths.

I think I "messed up" was I supposed to give my baby any pumped and frozen colostrum when I brought her home? We don't really do any bottles and when I do it's formula so I can try and build a stash. But she won't really take the formula so I've kind of given up on that unless we are out and I really need to pump. I...

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