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Military Wives

Being a military spouse presents a unique set of changes, only complicated further by kids. Let us all commiserate together!

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Incognito in Family

Why do I feel like this

My partner is away for 4 weeks and left last night. Our little girl is not a good sleeper at the moment and these 4 weeks I am full of anxiety. I don't know why I feel like this but I am so upset and anxious. What if I can't cope which I have only had to get my partner once in 15 months after being awake for 4.5 hou...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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L in Family

Technically solo parenting

My story is I am self-employed. My partner comes home once a week if that because sometimes he is away for 2 to 3 weeks at a time and then he is only home one day and then goes back to work, I work for myself which means I have to put my five month old into nursery three days a week. I have to work solidly for 10 to...

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C in Careers

At home work

I’m a mom of two looking for a remote job. As I know a lot of you guys can relate, working your ass off all day and then coming home to your little ones you feel guilty , and exhausted. These little companies treat you like crap. I just can’t do it anymore, but I also need to work . if anyone has any suggestions ...

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Incognito in Legal

Over it! Opinions?

Before my husband joined the airforce we naturally asked my sister some questions because she was in for 4years. At the time one job was the only job available.. My sister said not to take it and it was a horrible job and not to let the recruiter bully us. We know about recruiters and we talked to multiple people in...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Sex during pregnancy

Husband wants me to terminate my w

Hey ladies just found out I’m pregnant husband recently joined military and he wants me terminate my pregnancy I don’t want to we already have one child already . Said he no ready for another child and would divorce me otherwise

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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