Premature Births

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Premature Births

This support group is open to anyone who has experienced an early delivery. My daughter was born at 23 weeks gestation weighing 1 pound 1 ounce at birth. We as Mothers to a premature baby, do not have many support groups that specializes in premature births. Whether you need advice, have comments on your little ones, have concerns, or just found a solution that us Moms can benefit from, this group is perfect for you! Please no disrespect. From one Proud Premie Momma to another, Welcome! 💜

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K in Other

2 year old ex-premmie, always ill...

Hi all, my baby was born at 32 weeks, she is now 2! I am finding she is unwell constantly, yes she is at nursery but we have a viral infection roughly every 2 weeks and in the last month - 6 weeks, its been particularly bad with HF&M, norovirus, 2x colds and another stomach bug. I'm wondering if others found this?...

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Incognito in Other

Taking an ex premature baby abroad ✈️

Hi everyone! My baby arrived at 30 weeks and is now 3 months old but only 1 month old corrected. I wanted to take him away for a who at trip abroad (6 hours flight) but am not sure if there are any risks because of the altitude etc? Would be grateful for any tips or views on this as I would not want to risk his heal...

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans

Admitted to L&D at 26wks

26wk 6days today, I went in for glucose test and sono and ended up being sent to L&D for monitoring as babies heartbeat is irregular and cord is wrapped around her neck. I can't help but panic. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Please share your experiences 🙏 🥺 This is my 3rd baby, first time anythin...

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  • Incognito

A in Baby care

CP concerns!!

One of my twins is under physiotherapy and they have mentioned some concerns around Cereble Paulsy because of her neck control and tone does anyone have any support or advice? I'm so anxious!

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Incognito in Baby clothes


Hello Everyone! I'm new to the group but I have a half embaressing question to ask haha. Recently, my SIL had a loss which was devestating to watch her go through. She was gifted a box through a set of parents who have went through something similar themselves. It got me thinking, I've recently started crocheti...

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