TTC: IVF Support

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TTC: IVF Support

Support and chat for anyone experiencing IVF or related treatments.

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J in Other

Hopefully this is our time! 3 x failed IVF rounds, 4 embryos transfer and nothing has worked.

Now in the transition period between a new clinic and was put on letrozole (unmonitored) while the doctor is away. Round 2 on letrozole and this has happened…. I think I am around 12-14 DPO but worried this is a chemical pregnancy as it has happened before and I have a history of PCOS. Has anyone had lines like t...

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Incognito in Male infertility

How worried should we be? Borderline low semen analysis

My husband just got his sperm analysis and it was all at the very very bottom of “normal.” Technically only the motile count is “below normal values” but they are all at the extremely low end of normal… how worried should we be about this? Is ICSI likely? What can we do to fix this? Our doctor won’t be available to...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

J in Other

Multiple transfers?

Hi just wondering what your experiences are. Have you had multiple transfer and would you recommend? I’m likely going to end up with two embryos (currently I’m day three post EC) and I’m finding the meds for transfer really difficult. If I got two embryos likely only one will be genetically normal. So rather than ri...

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Incognito in Fertility treatments

IVF post Tubal

Has anyone had success and or is going through IVF after a tubal? Due to trauma and concern, I had mine tied December 2022 during my second cesarean. But now we want another baby. We’ve been doing research and going back and forth between IVF and tubal reversal but it’s seeming to cost more to do the reversal. I al...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

J in Fertility treatments

First transfer

I am supposed to have my first transfer on Wednesday but not sure if it will happen due to a possible urinary infection. Waiting the urine culture to know. Anyone gone through the same and it worked? This is my first transfer. I have done 3 IVF with no embrio and know this happening on my first transfer with egg do...

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