Incognito in Real talk
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A space for people who are going through their second fertility journey.
Incognito in Real talk
Is there anything there??
Incognito in Ovulation tests
Hi, maybe a bit of a silly question but I am starting to use occupation strips for TTC baby #2. How does it work? Do you test twice a day, every single day? And then you make sure you have sex when it’s at its highest, or before that? Sorry for silly question but I didn’t do all this with my first and I’m worrying...
L in Trying for a baby
I’m am so beyond frustrated, I haven’t been trying very long but have wanted a second for much longer. What are we doing to manage our desire for baby two and not resenting those friends and family members who it’s comes easily too?
T in Other
Can anyone see a second line. This is my first test since beginning of trying for baby number 2 since having my IUD removed. I’m pretty sure negative but just need confirmation. 🥺🤞
Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester
Found out we were pregnant with baby #2 yesterday after 8 months of trying and feeling like so much weight has been lifted 🥹😭😭 Sending baby dust to anyone who needs it 🫶