C in Parties & celebrations
Kiddie holiday
Hey is anyone thinking of going on holidays with their kiddies in April? I really want to go but I want to go with more mummies and kids for more of an atmosphere and fun
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A place for mums in London to organise meet up's and network.
C in Parties & celebrations
Hey is anyone thinking of going on holidays with their kiddies in April? I really want to go but I want to go with more mummies and kids for more of an atmosphere and fun
S in Weekend plans
I’m not officially living in London anymore (I live in Dorset, UK) but I’m a London girly through and through lol. I travel to London quite often to visit family, including holidays. Just wanted to say “hey”! Hope, you’re all doing well and looking forward to the holidays 👋🏽
I in Making friends
I’m back and forth always in London due to move next year. Is there any girls that wanna pop me a message? Go out for food? Raves? And play dates hmuuu
Incognito in Other
Looking to get some knotless braids done but need a home appointment. Is there any recommendations for braiders that offer this?
S in Childcare
Hi, Need a bit of help here. Who knows of any reliable caterers that we can hire for our baby boys christening please ?