Baby Led Weaning

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Tips, tricks, fails, gripes, and victories of BLW

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A in Weaning

Tips for feeding

Hi! Any tips to get my soon to be 6 month old to eat “big girl food”. I gave her eggs and like mushed bananas this morning and she was like very interested. Last night I gave her plain purée sweet potatoes with some puffs and she wasn’t really Intrested in that either just played in it. But she actively acts super e...

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Incognito in Weaning

BLW? first time introducing purée’s / solids.

FTM here ! My baby will be 4 months next week & is showing all the signs that she’s ready for food. She constantly try’s to eat when I’m eating, she’ll reach for my food - even my drinks lol and she’s able to keep her head up in a sitting position & she can sit in her booster seat nicely. When did you introduce so...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Food & cooking

Toddler packed lunch ideas

My LO won’t eat veg on its own so are there any recipes I can make her for nursery where I can take them out of the freezer the night before? Panicking about doing her packed lunch everyday for childcare and not providing enough variety!

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Baby digestion


Any references for making your own baby food? Or brands that you recommend? I’m 4.5m LO isn’t ready yet. I’m just trying to plan ahead. What did you feed baby first?

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C in Food & cooking

Recipe ideas? 11 month old twins

Anyone got any good blw recipes please. Preferably not too messy lol my girls get everything in their eyes so I want to avoid crying during meal times. They love things like home made pizza 🍕

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