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A group for mums and mum’s to be of twins and multiples in the UK

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Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester

I’m gonna scream

Currently 33+1 with MCDA twins and if ONE MORE PERSON asks whether they’ve given me a date for section/induction yet I’m going to scream!! We’ve had a bumpy few weeks in terms of growth, so right now it’s up in the air as to whether we’ll be make it to 36+6 as planned or whether they’ll bring them early which I’ve...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Baby travel products

Changing bag

Does anyone have any recommendations on changing bags - preferably rucksack style - for twins?🙏🏻 I have ordered bugaboo donkey 5 and have realised its recommended not to strap a changing bag to handle bars. How have others managed to overcome this? Is it considered dangerous to ignore this advice?

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Incognito in Multiple birth

Just found out we’re expecting twins!

Helppppp!!! How long does this news take to process, I am in complete shock. We have a 2 year old who will be nearly 3 by the time the babies are born. I had a Homebirth with my first and this was my plan for number 2, however since finding out it’s twins, this plan may have to go out the window. I’m wondering if...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
3 likes,5 comments

E in Multiple birth

3 under 2

Morning ladies, This week I found out that we are not only expecting one baby but two! They are non identical. They said they are in 2 different sacs but I’m unsure if they have different placentas or the same? We currently have a little boy that will be 1 on the 17th December. We wanted them to be quite close ...

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Incognito in Baby travel products

Anyone had this pram?

I was after the mountain buggy duet due to it being side by side and it being 65cm so will fit through my front door but have come across this one which also meets the criteria and wondered if anyone knew what I was like? Pic in comments

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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