PCOS Support

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PCOS Support

Let’s support each other as we find our way with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) whether you are TTC or already made a mama. Disclaimer: we are a peer support group, not medical professionals.

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N in Other


Hello ladies! I’m very new to this journey and not until my own research and doctor’s visits have I finally gotten the answer to many of my questions regarding my body: PCOS. I’m sad, worried, and adjusting. With that, what do you ladies recommend with getting rid of the facial hair?! I have those face razors but...

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N in Postpartum mental health

Anxiety and overthinking

Since having PCOS I've always dealt with anxiety, but lately it feels crippling. The anxiousness, the overthinking, the second-guessing myself. It feels like too much and it makes me not want to do anything but I still have to be a mom and mom. Has anyone ever felt this way? If so, what do you do to cope with it? I'...

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1 likes,1 comments

Z in Trying for a baby


I have pcos with no cysts and regular periods. Iv been using no contraception for a year now and not gotten pregnant yet. I have a good diet and taking supplements. Idk what else to do, can anyone give any advice?

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Hi girls

Am I ovulating or is this an infection I’ve been having constant headaches dryness privates and pains in my stomach Please help finished my period on the 27 days ago but I’m sure I ovulated on the 7th July

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Incognito in Other

PCOS medication

Has anyone taken Metformin, Provera, and Letrozole all in the same cycle?? I have been diagnosed with PCOS and my doctor has prescribed me all of these medications to start taking. I haven’t had a cycle in 100 days now and do not ovulate regularly when I do have a period. I tried Myo Insotinol and that didn’t work f...

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