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A private group for women who have fertility difficulties cause by low Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) . A safe place to cry together,laugh together and up lift each other during our journey .❤️

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M in Postpartum mental health

Does AMH fluctuate and not just in a downward direction?

I’ve been reading and hearing of AMH fluctuations up and down. I had originally read that it is much more consistent than FSH etc. and simply declines with age.I’ve only ever had mine tested one time, CD3, 6 months post BC. Anyone have thoughts on this or experience increases in amh?

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K in Vitamins & supplements

Conceiving with low AMH

Has anyone been able to conceive naturally with an extremely low AMH? My level is .29

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M in Vitamins & supplements

Encouraging article...

An article I think anyone with low amh should read.. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/articlepdf/2656811/jama_Steiner_2017_oi_170115.pdf

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K in Vitamins & supplements

What is your AMH level?

Just curious what everyone’s AMH level is & what your journey looks like. I’m 29 & had surgery in October to remove an ovarian cyst & diagnose endometriosis. The doctor also tested my AMH levels mine is .29. I was so heartbroken over this news we are TTC unfortunately can not afford fertility treatment so trying nat...

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