September 2020 Babies

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September 2020 Babies

Expecting a baby in September, 2020

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H in Baby sleep

Nap/ bed time

Ok this age is rough with the sleep , any one else ? Omg she naps some days and some not like I can tell she still needs them but it's like pulling teeth to get her to nap . Bed time is starting to be the same , take a good while . Anyone in the same boats ? Any advice?

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J in Family

Bed Time Probs!

Is anyone having problems getting their toddler to go to bed peacefully? We do not cosleep with our almost 3 yr old and she has been in her own room since she was 10 months old. She was always such a champ at bedtime and we had no issues until this past year I guess.. I don’t really remember exactly when it started....

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J in Food & cooking

Chicken pox

Hi all, has anyone else had a little one with chicken pox? What was the best thing for you ?

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S in Baby milestones

2 year old behaviour!

Is it just my 2 year old that seems to have some anger problem? She’s constantly hitting/biting her big sister, throwing things, throwing herself about when angry or she don’t get what’s she wants, she bites herself and so on. Any advice will be appreciated. She’s been in nursery since November 2022 and she’s only b...

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L in Activities for kids

Counting backwards!

Today I was playing with my daughter and she started counting down from 10 unprompted. I asked her where she learnt to do that and she said ‘from the wall’. She has a poster with numbers to 100 in her bedroom on it and apparently has taught herself to count down from 10 when she’s been in there. (We weren’t in the b...

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