October 2020 Babies

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October 2020 Babies

A group for women expecting a baby in October 2020.

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L in Other

Never had a baby shower

Hey everyone! I don’t know how active this group is but I don’t know where to post about this. My older son was born October 2020 so I didn’t have a baby shower because of the pandemic. I just delivered my second son April 2nd and because my mom was sick and lives in Florida (I’m in NY) she didn’t plan a shower for ...

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V in Childcare


i currently dont have a job and im still going to school ( 12th grade) with my 2 year old daughter. my school offers a daycare but lately it’s been really rough for me to get to sleep/wake up on time for school. Texas SUCKS at getting back to me with more information about daycare assistance so i can put my daughter...

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S in Baby sleep


My little one had always been a good sleeper but in the last few months his sleep has deteriorated. Has anyone else noticed this? He will go to sleep fine for daddy but when I do it he panics if I leave and it has led to him refusing to even lay down, I think out of worry of me going?! He eventually says he’d lay do...

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E in Potty training

potty training!

has anybody potty train their kid yet? I need help my daughter is 2😵‍💫

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B in Baby milestones

Embarrassed to say the least 🫠

At pre school pick up today I have been informed my child is spitting at the other children (absolutely not a behaviour I will tolerate)I apologised a bunch of times but I’m so embarrassed he’s done it in the first place, the only game we play at home where there’s remotely any spitting is in the bath when he sips t...

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