Lip and Tongue tie support

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Lip and Tongue tie support

I created this group to help those mommies that never knew about lip or tongue ties and for those who weren’t able to breastfeed due to having difficulties with latch and having discomfort. Feel free to add anyone you like, you never know if there’s a momma out there that never knew their little one had any ties.

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H in Other

Sheffield children’s hospital

Has anyone been to Sheffield children’s for tongue tie? We have an appt on Monday and want to know what to expect - I’m travelling from Nottingham so it’s a fair distance with a little one and wondering if it will just be an assessment or if it needs cutting again if they will do it on the same day? Any experience ...

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S in Baby care

Tongue tie

Hi all my boy is 3 week old today and he doesn’t latch the best but doesn’t struggle with bottle and midwife’s have never said anything. He’s always gained weight since birth and doesn’t struggle to feed Is this tongue tie ? Should I contact the doctor / midwife as he isn’t she an appointment ?

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C in Baby care

Lip tie

Does this look like a lip tie? I've been to multiple lactation consultants and pediatricians who said she doesn't have tongue tie but I don't know if they checked her lip as it looks like a tie to me? She makes the clicking sound on breast and bottle and we had issue breastfeeding so was exclusively pumping so if it...

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L in Baby care

Lip tie

My lo has always had feeding issues. After 2 tongue tie divisions we’ve seen massive improvements. I’ve noticed she also has a lip tie (so bad I can’t actually lift her top lip) and when she latches to bottles her top lip turns in. Is this something you can get assessed. Who would you go to? Is it worth having don...

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L in Baby care

Is this tongue tie?

I was told my little had a minor tongue tie at birth. He couldn't breast feed so I express milk, however he now is struggling with bottles too is constantly clicking & vomiting... Having too much wind. I've noticed his tongue goes into a heart shape and he can basically only lick his lips with how far he can put i...

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