TTC: 35 years old and older

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TTC: 35 years old and older

Trying it conceive for women 35 and older

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Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing

Too old?

I’m 39 and TCC. Sometimes I feel like I’m too old to have a baby and I missed my chance. Does anyone feel the same?

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Incognito in Fertility treatments


Hi girls I turned 40 this week. We had a miracle baby at 38 after 3 losses, and he has been the absolute joy of our lives. We have been so keen to have another but I just don’t think it’s going to happen for us. Every month, especially now I’m 40, feels more disheartening than the last. I’m tempted to go down the I...

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P in Miscarriage

TTC again

I’m 38 years old and last year I had a miscarriage at 37. It took a while to feel ok to try again and this is the first TTC since. I don’t want to tell any close friends and family, so I thought I’d come here and share that we’re trying for a baby again! Let’s the journey begin for a rainbow baby 🌈

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Incognito in Weight regulation

Right time to start exercising?

Hi everyone! I am 41yo (will turn 42 in Jan) and have an almost 2yo. We started trying for a second baby in August, and I hope to get pregnant by spring time. I would like to change a bit my lifestyle now the LO is in nursery, I work part time and it seems we ha e a good routine. So will just start eating healthier ...

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  • Incognito

S in Ovulation tests

Low ovulation test but a ton of cervical mucus

So I think I'm just going to start to get it on because I have a ton of cervical mucus but my ovulation tests are 0.27

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