Baby Sleep

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Baby Sleep

Hey all! I'm creating this group because I'm seeing a lot of posts looking for sleep training advice. I'm just starting to actually train my youngest to sleep, so I'll post a day by day journey with my thoughts and experiences. Other mommas feel free to do the same, offer advice to help others, and perhaps we can can get these babies to sleep together!!

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B in Baby sleep

11mo sleeps like a newborn!

My almost 11 month old daughter wakes up constantly at night. She's up every 2-4 hours, but 4 hour stretches are rare. She's been doing this since about 6 months old. I am exhausted and am going back to work soon. I'm desperate for more sleep! She wants to nurse every time she's up, and because she's small, our Dr ...

  • B
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N in Baby sleep

2yo taking forever to get to sleep

My son has always been a great sleeper but recently he's been taking ages to get to sleep at night time and that's been making him overtired and waking early in the morning. He'll kind of hang around and sometimes he'll stand up and call for us and we're going in and I don't know if that's the problem. He's also sti...

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A in Baby sleep

Sleep help

My baby is 5 months old. Almost 6 months. I’ve recently started sleep training her. She goes down great around 7:30-7:45 p.m. I feed her at 7 pm. With our nightly bath and lotion rub down. She’s swaddled and I have a noise machine. Our little routine seems to work. BUT Two hours after she goes down she wakes up cryi...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Feeling so terrible but have no other options It feels like

My daughter is almost 9 months old We moved her into her own crib in her room a week ago yesterday because she began to pull to stand in her bassinet and we didn’t want to cosleep anymore for her safety. So it has been a rough transition however the past three nights she has such an incredibly hard time with transf...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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S in Baby sleep

10 month old wakes every night 😫

My 10 month old used to be a dream sleeper and slept 7-7 since we started weaning/teething his sleeping has just deteriorated. He’s waking every night and it’s destroying me. I’m trying to persevere with routine, making sure he has 2 naps a day - I walk the streets everyday to make sure he’s had fresh air and to sle...

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