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Life with fibroids

for those who are TTC or who are going through pregnancy after being diagnosed with Fibroids

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Incognito in Other

Pregnancy and fibroids (positive stories only please)

Hello! I just found out I am pregnant and I have 2 small intramural fibroids. I am getting very anxious about them. Of course, I will ask questions during health check ups but please, could you share your POSITIVE stories and testimonies of your pregnancy with fibroids. I am very anxious and already read scary thing...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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C in Postpartum symptoms

Pregnancy post myomectomy

I recently had major surgery to remove multiple fibroids, with the biggest one being 16cm! They couldn’t remove them all as would leave my uterus in too much of a mess Is there anyone who has got pregnant after having this? And any tips?

  • C
  • C
  • C

Incognito in Body changes

Picture of fibroid

FYI this is what a 15 cm necrotic fibroid that was taken out of me looked like. In case y'all were wondering what is invading our bodies

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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J in Postpartum symptoms

Hi, I had a large fibroid removed recently.

The doctor suggested waiting 2 months before attempting to get pregnant to allow the uterus to heal. I’m worried 2 months won’t be long enough. I can’t wait too long either because I don’t want the endo to come back. If you had a fibroid removed how long did your doctor suggest you wait? My fibroid was 5cm long and ...

  • J
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  • J

J in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Early pregnancy w/ fibroids

tiny fibroids. I'm wondering if the spotting I'm having could be related to the fibroids. Has anyone else dealt with spotting throughout the first trimester and still went on to have a healthy baby? First time mom here, so im anxious about everything. Thanks!

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