TTC After an Ectopic pregnancy

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TTC After an Ectopic pregnancy

This group is for women who went through an ectopic pregnancy,, life after an ectopic pregnancy

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K in Miscarriage

Please help to ease my mind

Ectopic in December which led to the removal of my right tube. Misscarriage in April. We'vr been fortunate to fall pregnant again and I'm 6+4. I have a location scan today and I'm so nervous, genuinely feel like it's not meant to be. Has anyone had success after both of these types of losses? All I keep thinking ...

  • K
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  • K

R in Other

How quickly after?

How quickly did you fall pregnancy after your ectopic? I’ve had 2 periods now and my cycles seem to be back on track very quickly (unlike my miscarriage which took months) Took us 4 months after the miscarriage (even the 4th period after miscarriage still wasn’t quite back on track cycle length wise) for it to end...

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Incognito in Miscarriage

2nd ectopic pregnancy

Last May I had a ectopic pregnancy, treated with methotrexate, chemical pregnancy in March , now my 2nd ectopic pregnancy, stuck in my right tube, it’s been removed via surgery this time. I just don’t know what to say anymore. I can’t believe it’s happened again. Has anyone had 2 ectopic pregnancies?

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

H in Other


Hi girls; I’ve had two normal cycles since my EP, however, this month I’m 3 days late (never late always early or on time). Does this just mean I’m not back in rhythm yet? I’m worried as I’m not pregnant and this isn’t normal for me!

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Incognito in Other

TTC after methotrexate

Although I’ve been told we need to wait 3 months after having the methotrexate injection due to possible abnormalities, I’ve also read lots of people have been given different information. I’ve gone down a rabbit hole of reading published medical studies and none of these find any issues with the baby after having ...

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