TTC with Endometriosis

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TTC with Endometriosis

Here to help other learn and support others with Endometriosis.

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Incognito in Fertility treatments

Getting pregnant

Anyone have any tips on getting pregnant with a second? We’ve been trying since December & nothing yet 😩 … we have a 4yr old already but desperate for another. Took me 13 years to catch with my first as I have PCOS & Endometriosis. Wondered if anyone had any tips on getting pregnant again? I’m losing all hope 😩😩

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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C in Trying for a baby


Hey! I’m candise. I just joined I was diagnosed with endometriosis aged 19 and fell pregnant 6 months later with my rainbow baby girl 🌈❤️ she’s a year old now and I’m about to start ttc baby number 2. Wish me luck 🤞any advice appreciated Photo of me and my baby girl (we don’t have many 🥲)

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J in Fertility treatments

Fresh transfer

Has anyone had success with fresh transfer with advanced endometriosis? I'm due to start IVF soon and I'm scared that my body won't be in a great place after egg retrieval/ potential effects of OHSS

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T in Trying for a baby

Pregnant after Lap for endo & cyst!

Hi Ladies! I can’t actually quite believe this… but we’re finally pregnant 🎉 Last summer, we were getting tests done after a year of TTC at 37 & wasn’t getting anywhere. Turns out I had silent endo & a large cyst on an ovary. Ended up having my Lap in October to remove the endo & drain the cyst. They also checked my...

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C in Fertility treatments

First Laparoscopy TTC for 3 years

I have my first laparoscopy on Thursday for suspected endometriosis I will have diagnostic and ablation/laser surgery,has anyone had success with getting pregnant naturally shortly after surgery with ablation being used instead of excision? I’ve gone private after 3 years of trying to conceive and spotting between p...

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