Elimination Communication

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Elimination Communication

A place for practitioners of and those interested in EC. Elimination communication (EC) is the art of using timing, signals, cues, and intuition to address an infant's need to eliminate waste into an appropriate place (e.g. toilet) rather than a diaper. Practiced full-time, part-time, or occasionally with babies who are younger than standard “potty training age”.

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G in Other

Another diaperless update 😜

So I can't remember exactly when we started no diapers but I just wanna say babies are so smart! My little guy learned to hold his pee so quickly like he still has misses and may hold it until he goes down for a nap but he hasn't had a miss on the floor during diaper free times in the past 10 days. Idk I am just im...

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G in Potty training

Started putting baby in training underwear and ditching daytime diapers

I am just putting in an update from my post before. So this weekend we did an observation with the timing chart and so my husband could also observe. We listened to our audiobook of go diaper free about this transition and episodes 69-72 on the Go Diaper Free podcast, just to remember what to do honestly, it has bee...

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J in Other

Potty training

This is for the moms who work full time. Not the SAHMs. How are you guys potty training or introducing the potty? I work full time, 40/50 hours a week. My son goes to a half day preschool and they do NOT take them to the potty, but he has to be potty trained by next year in order to continue. He turned 3 on the 4th...

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S in Other

Boy starting at 3 months

I’m feeling encouraged by all of your comments! What are the cues you’ve chosen and how do you suggest introducing/ progressing with them?

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G in Other

Mid feed catches

I've started EC with my now 6 week old and love the confidence boost of catching her pees and poos. I've noticed she usually cues that she's going to poo mid feed (latched breastfed), but it's a long wait between the cue and the poop. How would you recommend catching this? Would you hold her on the potty from the st...

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