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A group for women who have been diagnosed with GD

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Incognito in Induced labor

Induction with GD?

Want to hear more about people's experiences as I have been offered induction at 38 weeks due to GD.

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Other


Been put on metformin because my fasting levels are a little too high but I am absolutely TERRIFIED of the possible side effects. I have a severe fear of being sick/throwing up and am riddled with anxiety after my first tablet this evening. How common are these gross side effects? Is it that bad if I do get them? An...

  • C
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S in First trimester worries

Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes

Yesterday i found out i’ve got gestational diabetes im 34+2 weeks , has anyone got any advice at all im so nervous as this is my first pregnancy and i never heard of this before being tested for it as baby is on the larger side. What are the chances of me being induced early and having a normal birth? My plan was ...

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C in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Walking after a meal

Hi, I just worked out that if I go for a walk right after breakfast my sugar levels don’t spike. My breakfast was quite straight forward. Wholemeal toast, half avocado, scrambled egg (only one) and a coffee. I normally have a kiwi but I didn’t today. I went straight for a walk after and then took my blood which was...

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Incognito in Other

Reading 1 hour after meal 95

Is that normal?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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