COVID-19: UK Mamas

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COVID-19: UK Mamas

A safe space for coronavirus information, support, and advice during such an uncertain time.

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Heavy bleeding - 12 weeks pregnant

I had a really heavy bleed. It was just a sudden gush of blood that covered my clothes. Soaked through my underpants, leggings and dress. Went to a&e but they said it’s most likely normal as I have no abdominal pain. They said sometimes blood pools in your uterus and can come out in a gush or clots. I’ve never heard...

  • Incognito
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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Am I in the wrong here sorry it’s long😢

Me and my husband have been together 12 years he lost his job in July I’m a SAHM we have three kids. Since July he’s been helping a bit with the housework doing dishes and hoovering but I do everything else and run after him. For the past few month he’s no longer intimate with me, doesn’t tell me he loves me, doesn’...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Body changes

Bump size

So from about week 13 I’ve had a full bump , and looked pregnant . Now almost 17 weeks and for almost a week my bump has completely gone and my stomach is slim how it was pre pregnancy. And pregnancy symptoms are gone .Worried something could’ve happened . Is this normal?😓

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

R in Potty training

supppppwrrr clingy toddler/child

my daughter turns three next week and she is so so attached to me. shes very independent and likes to do things on her own but its been nearly a month now where she doesnt allow me to go to the toilet by myself, not allowed to sit on a separate sofa, she is literally like a shadow stuck to me. if she needs the potty...

  • R
  • R
  • R

Incognito in Housing

Separating from partner - 2 children

Hi ladies, I am currently living in a 2 bedroom flat with my father’s children and our two children but we are separated. I wanted to co parent under the same roof to not completely shatter my kids lives but it’s not working as partner is very toxic to me and it’s not an environment I want for our children or mysel...

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