Incognito in Pregnancy scans
What would everyone’s gender prediction be for this 11 wk scan or is there no real way of telling at this stage lol
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Incognito in Pregnancy scans
What would everyone’s gender prediction be for this 11 wk scan or is there no real way of telling at this stage lol
Incognito in Other
All he does is lounge round on the sofa all day watching tv (he does work but nothing too extensive) he hardly does any parenting I do 90% of it, all school runs, diners, teas, activities, food shops, housework etc all he does is go to work and come home. Then sits on the sofa all the time on his phone he is really ...
Incognito in Sex during pregnancy
Is it wrong if I consented to sex but not for the man to finish inside but they did it anyways. And now I’m pregnant because of it? For context he was also on top so I couldn’t do much.
S in Baby milestones
he kicks her, shouts at her, pushed her off the bed once. he’s really not nice to her at all. occasionally he’ll give her a kiss but he usually just yells at her for even looking at him 😞 is there anything we can do to help him with this?!
Incognito in Other
Want to know what you think/would do. My partner BM #1. I’ve been with him since SD was 2, BM1 has always been easy. They broke up as she had zero interest in sex, their daughter was an early relationship whoops and he never was in love with her but loved her and stuck around for little one. Anyway, like I say she...