Gentle Sleep Solutions

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Gentle Sleep Solutions

This group is ran by 2 certified pediatric sleep consultants. This group is for moms to discuss sleep training alternatives to “cry it out” but there is never any judgement no matter what sleep training method you use! All opinions welcome, but the core of this group is that we are supportive of babies being able to fall asleep independently (or better know as ‘sleep trained’).

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E in Baby sleep

Lack of sleep

My son is now 14 weeks. Was doing well at sleeping at night and only waking up twice and go straight back down. After jabs he has totally changed. Won’t go down unless held, rocked and then when put down cries again. He has been waking up every hr it is awake 2hrs after a feed

  • E
  • E
  • E

Incognito in Baby sleep

4 month sleep regression

We're currently in week 4/5 of the sleep regression with it being particularly worse the last two weeks. I keep seeing the regression will cause baby to wake every 2 hours in the night but I'm lucky to get just one two hour stretch with the rest of the wake-ups every 45 mins/an hour! I'm trying to keep to wake windo...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Body temperatures

Sweaty Baby 🥺

Needing some advice on how to dress my baby for bed. We keep our home around 70° to 74° fahrenheit. He sleeps in the room with us with the fan on. Our baby is 7 days old. I was worried he was gonna get cold, so I did a long sleeve and long pants onsie with a swaddle. The next morning he was drenched in sweat. I t...

  • M
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  • M

Incognito in Baby sleep

2 year old’s sleep training ruined or regression/phase?

We have sleep trained our LG when he was 5.5 months. For the most part he’s been good, least in comparison to what I think would suck (bed sharing and feeding at night etc but to each his own) but recently, either he has changed or we have changed and now we hold his hand for a while~~~ and talk about his day etc, a...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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Incognito in Baby sleep

Bedtime Sleep…or lack of!

My 9 MO has 2 naps per day each being 1.5 hours. The gap between her last nap and bedtime is 3 hours 30 mins- 3 hours 45 mins. For around 6 weeks now she FIGHTS bedtime. Screams as soon as we place her in the crib and walk out! Bedtime is taking hours each night and feels really traumatic for me and her! For dayti...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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