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Incognito in First trimester worries

Late period

I had my little girl just over 2 months ago, my first period was the 19th June, if my cycle was bang on 28 days it should have come last Wednesday. Could obviously be my hormones getting back to normal but my periods have normally gone back to like clock work after my 2 other pregnancy’s. How long would you leave it...

  • Incognito
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  • Incognito

Incognito in Travel with kids


My hubby has only been home from working abroad for 10 days so if this is positive it’s super early. What do people think?

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Incognito in Fitness

Gym during pregnancy.

Hello Ladies!😉 Looking for your opinion & experience please. I am going to GYM 4times a week for many years already plus have a lot of additional activities outside it like stretching, yoga , cycling etc. Now we are actively TTC and I am so confused with recommendations from internet. Half says no gym just lights ex...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Pregnancy symptoms

Early pregnancy symptoms

Has anyone suffered pregnancy symptoms incredibly early on. I’ve been exhausted, nauseous and an emotional wreck since I would have been 2 weeks pregnant. Also been having positive tests since I was 2 weeks pregnant too. This is my third pregnancy and I’m almost 4 weeks now. I’ve never experienced anything like it t...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Discharge in early pregnancy

My period is due early next week. And I’ve been having normal looking vaginal discharge in my underwear for the past week. It’s white/creamy and just seems to appear in my pants. I don’t feel it coming. It doesn’t smell or have any colour to it. I swear I don’t usually get noticable vaginal discharge this close to m...

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