Moms in their 30’s

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Moms in their 30’s

This group is for all moms in their 30’s

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A in Parties & celebrations

Is this rude.

My son has a birthday party at a trampoline park. Is it rude to let my other kids jump since it’s a public place while my other son attends the party? I’ll note they won’t be in the party room or a part of the cake and food (they’re older)

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Incognito in Family

I'm conflicted 😐

In movies, etc, you often see the father as a silent figure just going about life. Just waiting to be asked to do something, etc. Sometimes in real life, too... and they harvest their thoughts and feelings and never ask anything and just are content with whatever they think. My husband was doing a lovely thing of...

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Incognito in Careers

Making money as a sahm

I just feel like I’m doing something wrong, the amount of posts I see from friends family influencers you name it someone has a hustle. I don’t even get time to brush my hair let alone start a whole business how do you do it ? 😭 I want to be able to get my children fun things do fun things treat myself to a haircut...

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Amazon breast pump

Has anyone tried babyvogue breast pump from Amazon... It is apparently very cheap and I am not sure if I will be exclusively breastfeeding (depends on how the baby latches) but thought I'll get a cheap one for now just in case I have to pump and if I had to pump quite often then maybe buy an expensive one. Thoughts ...

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Milk supply!

I struggled with making enough milk for my daughter & I’m having a little boy in June. I was curious if anyone has ever had better milk supply with the second baby or if it usually is consistent with how much you got with your first?

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