Moms in their 30’s

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Moms in their 30’s

This group is for all moms in their 30’s

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Incognito in Formula

Cow’s milk for dinner?

I recently transitioned my 12 month old son to cow’s milk from formula. He drinks it throughout the day which is fine, and doctor approved as he’s on the lower end of the weight spectrum. BUT I’m finding he loves his milk so much it’s interfering with his solid food intake now - this is problematic especially at din...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Premature birth

Big Events

How old was your LO when you took them to their first sporting event or other big event like that? I go to college football games every week (pre-baby) and have seen people with what seem to be newborns many times over the years but wondering how realistic that is.

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Incognito in Motherhood

Healing your Mother Wound...?

Lately i have been terrified of the fact that i am now a Mother. I have a sweet 16 month old boy, and another boy due soon. I don't mean 'mothering' as a task, but the emotoinal wounds we carry from our mothers that somehow become part of who we are. I see 'Mothers' as being incredibly selfless, yet selfish in all t...

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R in Other

If you could 💭

Delete one thing off the earth what would it be?

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Incognito in Fostering & adoption

Why having a third child creates panic and judgement.

So I’m pregnant with my third child and I’ve been very anxious to share the news with my close relatives. I casually told my mum the other day, and she panicked. She exclaimed how difficult it’ll be for me to raise three children under 5. She called my husband and asked if we plan on buying a bigger home (we current...

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