Moms in their 30’s

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Moms in their 30’s

This group is for all moms in their 30’s

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Incognito in Other

Just found out I'm 6 weeks pregnant

So I've been taking tests for the past month now, and all been negative, and just 2 days ago, I found out I'm 6 weeks pregnant like wtf ? Why did it not show over the past month? Basically, I've been drinking often during that time.. can someone tell me if all will be okay ? I was just worried I would never drink if...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

B in Baby sleep

Cosleeping opinions

A lot of people freak when they hear we cosleep at night with my 2 month old. Not a safety concern but a bad habit concern. A slippery slope for the future. Is it seriously a big deal that she won’t transfer to a crib later. Am I shooting my self in the foot for the future ? Right now I honestly enjoy some of the ...

  • B
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  • B

J in Common illness

Having a cold and breastfeeding

Hi, my toddler has brought a bug home with him and I’m currently stuck in the trenches of it all. A 3 week old a poorly toddler and no I have it!! What remedies can I take whilst breastfeeding? I couldn’t share this experience with my first born so it’s all quiet new to me

  • J
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C in Common illness

Do antibiotics cause behavioral changes?

My 18 month old has had an upper respiratory infection for about 3 weeks now. I took him to the doctor earlier this week because it was time for his check up and to get resolution on this long cold. They ended up diagnosing him with an ear infection so he’s on amoxicillin. I’ve noticed a couple days later he’s more ...

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Incognito in Other


Long story short, I’ve started throwing things and slamming doors, occasionally punching or kicking walls. I have 2 under 2 and really try to remove myself when I’m upset but I know the toddler hears doors etc and will ask if I’m mad… I’m always honest and say even though I’m grumpy I should have found a different w...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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