Type 1 diabetic Mamas.

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Type 1 diabetic Mamas.

A group for women to discuss the up’s and down’s of dealing with type 1 diabetes in pregnancy and motherhood💉🤰🏽

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K in First trimester worries


I'm struggling with keeping my sugar levels under control and being a mum. My sugar levels are up and down like a yo-yo because I have to tend to baby first, or I can't get the ratios of my insulin correct. My mum helps me out with baby a lot but I still feel like it gets on top of me. I feel like a failure like I'm...

  • K
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N in First trimester worries

18 weeks and high blood sugars

Hi I am on a closed loop pump, I have been since I was 7 weeks pregnant and since going on holiday at 15 weeks, my bloods have been crazy out of control, like I have been just reading high for the past 2 hours even though I’m giving corrections. I don’t know what to do, I get so emotional and worried everyday, I hav...

  • N
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R in First trimester worries

New to diabetes

Hi i was diagnosed with diabetes they said it was 8.8 and im a beginner and i need help and support and tips, im going tomorrow to get a kit and more supplies but im having a hard time giving up my sweets..

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  • R

J in First trimester worries

14 months pp

My blood sugars finally feel stable. After a whole year of roller-coaster sugars. I'm still breastfeeding likely will continue to the 2yr mark. My goodness. Nobody warned me postpartum diabetes control would be this hard. It's almost as annoying as pregnancy lol

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Incognito in Hospital bag

Babys hospital bag ❤️

When packing hospital bag for baby, how many or each sizes are you taking? Ultrasounds are giving us rough weight but I know this isn't always right and want to be prepared incase we need to stay in a whole after! Thanks ❤️When packing hospital bag for baby, how many or each sizes are you taking? Ultrasounds are ...

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