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A safe place to vent about those headaches rather it’s good or bad we all need to get a lot off our chest

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T in Family


Now I'm far from crazy. Each day my fiance leaves soon as he wakes up. Says he needs air(we have an air conditioner) or says he needs a cigarette any excuse to leave. Also refuses to take a phone one is off the other fully functional. Yet I ask what's wrong or do you need to vent we can go somewhere. I get I'm fine ...

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R in Other

My boyfriend don’t talk to me

So yesterday I had just put my son down to sleep ! It was maybe 10 pm when his sister comes in and wakes him up, all I said politely was “aww I just put him down to sleep” she got offended and her whole family came at me am I wrong for telling her I just put him down to sleep like girl you can come and hold him all ...

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Incognito in Other

35 weeks pregnant

Guys am 35 weeks pregnant but I feel like my fiancé doesn’t care about it. He never cook something for me ( since I got pregnant) like if I want to eat something but I don’t have the energy to make it, I have to ask my sister to cook it for me and she lives 15 minutes away from me so she have to drive to my house to...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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Incognito in Household

So question

Me and my husband getting divorce . While we were together we spend so much money on credit card that was mine . Like 12k and he was doing minimum payment now he is not doing anymore . He left me with all the debts . Plus I have my car payment another $600 he was paying but he is not anymore , he drove my car and so...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Relationships

Baby daddy advice

I dunno what it is but I see so many posts on here with women seeking support with difficult situations/abusive relationships, and it’s frustrating to see every single comment always kicking off about the man, telling her to leave him and never look back ect.. as if it’s so easy. I never see any comments genuinely...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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