Teen mums or young mums

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Teen mums or young mums

A group for teen mums to meet and get to know each other or young mums

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H in Other


How do u moms make ur 12 months old baby walk i have tired everything he is just lazy want to to sit 😂

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L in Making friends

Looking for friends for my baby

Hi I am 19 and my baby is 5 months old is there anyone around the same age as me and my baby that would like to meet up in Cambridge

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K in Local recommendations

Mum friends

Hey, I’m 25 idk if I’m young enough to be here😂 but I’m looking for friends. I have a toddler and I go uni in London. I’m back and forth between London and Berkshire area 🤍🤍

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C in Pumping

Supply drop

Baby is 4 weeks old and combi feeding I pump the bottles so I can have a break during the night to sleep . The past few days my pumps have gone from 4oz down to 2oz and now just a few dribbles I’m worried that my supply is drying up but I’m really not ready for my breastfeeding journey to be over. Any tips or sugges...

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L in Formula

Hungry baby

Can someone help My daughter is 4 month on the 3rd qe used her bottle to 6oz but crying she still hungry and when we give her another bottle she drinking another 6oz I feels to much for a 4month old

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