Miscarriage Support šŸ‘¼

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Miscarriage Support šŸ‘¼

A group to support women who have been through or going through a miscarriage.

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L in Pregnancy scans

When they think you aborted

Ultrasound tech today assumed I was having a pelvic exam after an abortion šŸ’€ I had a missed miscarriage but I felt so uncomfortable I just didnā€™t say anything. She was hella mean to me lmao. Way to make a terrible thing more terrible for me jfc

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Incognito in Other

My thoughts

I just wanted to share my thoughts on something my partner and I have struggled with, that I don't see other people talk about. When I explain to others they don't seem to understand! As well as the grief and loss of a baby after miscarriage, we have really struggled with an identity crisis. Both my partner and I f...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

J in Other

Miscarriage confirmed today (8 weeks)

Just confirmed today that I had a miscarriage (at 8 weeks).Ā  Last Wednesday was a normal morning - nothing out the ordinary. I went to the bathroom and noticed a little blood.Ā  I of course panicked, and called my Dr but they couldn't see me until later that day.Ā  My husband drove me to the ER and we got a scan.Ā  The...

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Incognito in First trimester worries

D&C three days ago, how long before HCG is gone?

Hiya, I had a D&C three days ago at 8 weeks pregnant. There was no heartbeat at our scan but no sign of my body miscarrying by itself. Iā€™ve just done a pregnancy test and I got a very solid line. My doctor says I canā€™t start a new cycle until HCG has gone (they arenā€™t waiting for my period, only HCG). Does anyone ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Other

Possible miscarriage?

Hey guys, I found out I was pregnant last week due to being 2 days late on my period. And Iā€™ve been feeling so bad since then. Constant nausea, cramping, vomiting. Anyways 2 days ago I woke up in the middle of the night feeling a gush and when I went into the bathroom I noticed a good amount of blood. It happened a ...

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