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Single moms

For any single moms or moms wanting to become single

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J in Housing

Living in my car 21 weeks pregnant..

Hey guys…so this is embarrassing for me but I’m asking for advice and if you guys know of any help or resources I can get being homeless and 21 weeks pregnant. (23 weeks according to my OBGYN) I was planning on moving back to Iowa because rent there is unbelievably cheap, (I’ve lived there previously so I know it is...

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Q in Motherhood

What are some challenges you go thru as a single mother

Hey beautiful mothers.... what are some challenges you go thru with being a single mother??

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C in Other

iMessage group

Anyone interested in a single moms club group chat

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L in Other

Weird or naw

I’m single and pregnant. Is it weird for me to want to date? I’ve been told that sex makes labor easier.. dont judge me.. but if I’m single who do I have sex with?

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L in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester

Hey all!

I’m 34 weeks pregnant and newly single. I walked in on my baby daddy and his other baby mom in the kitchen bent over the sink! On Christmas Eve! I’m new to the group..Hello All!

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