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A place for incompetent cervix women to talk and get information

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I in Signs of labor

Need advice please !!

I’m currently 33 weeks pregnant. I had a cerclage placed at 13 weeks. Two nights ago I started having really bad ongoing contractions. They were happening every 4 to 5 minutes. They were lasting over 30 seconds. I went to my doctor and I told him it felt like I was having contractions. He told me to just go home and...

  • I
  • I
  • I

D in First trimester worries

18 weeks pregnant cervix 27mm

Hello, i am 18 weeks pregnant. I see the consultant on Wednesday due to previous LLETZ procedures. My cervix was measuring 27mm so he has put me progesterone and I am going back Wednesday for another scan. If it has got any smaller he said I will have the stitch that day but if not I will carry on with progesterone...

  • D
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G in Postpartum symptoms

Cerclage/ cervical stitch when does it happen

Does anyone have any advice on the cerclage /cervical stitch process ie. pain and process. I’ve got a few weeks untill I speak to recurrent miscarriage clinic and my fertility team. So really want to be prepared with questions as google is a minefield on what to check and ask so would be grateful for any advice x

  • G
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D in C-section

Any feedback would help

I have my cerclage scheduled for next Wednesday, I’m 13 Weeks + 5 days, I’ve been feeling a bit anxious about the procedure, I know either way it’s what I have to do, but I’m wondering what I should expect? How bad will it hurt? I get a lot of pain in my pelvis daily already, and I’m wondering how well these things...

  • D
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Incognito in First trimester worries

How quick can things progress

I’m only 11 weeks pregnant but I have started having a lot of pelvic pressure back pain and my discharge looks different. I think I might have an incompetent cervix but I’m not sure if I should wait till next week when I’m 12 weeks to say something. I have a drs appointment in 2 weeks I’m wondering if that’s might b...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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